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These discoveries remind us that nature is often richer and more wondrous than our imagination.

Most had no recourse to the works of earlier scientists and thought that their discoveries were unique to them.

It is silly to pity those who lived in times we don't like, who did not know Christianity or the discoveries of modern science.

The nine archive boxes of lost correspondence include letters that reveal the exasperation and strained relationships at the heart of one of the greatest discoveries of modern science.

Starting out "the job" with plans that assume all time is already accounted for so any unplanned events (e.g., changes, design "discoveries") already assume overtime as the approach to absorbing them.

But the intrepid are richly rewarded with new discoveries.

Like many discoveries, atomic power can be used for good or evil.

The discoveries of Neptune in 1846 and of Puto in 1930 were made as the result of predictions.

Museum officials, who are all sewer workers, aim to expand their exhibits on topics including water treatment, safety equipment and unexpected discoveries.

By and large, the inventions and discoveries worth patenting are those in the pharmaceutical and biotech fields, where the pay-off for blockbuster drugs can amount to billions of dollars a year.

Because discoveries wouldn't be patented, contracts could be awarded to the lowest bidder.

Another crew is focused on collecting plant matter found in a layer of peat, and they are making extraordinary discoveries.

An amber mine in far north Burma has also thrown up some important new discoveries: a 100m-year-old gecko, the oldest-known mushroom and fern have all been unearthed preserved in amber.


She envisages an era of great scientific discoveries.

For supersymmetry, ATLAS and CMS will each have enough data to double today's sensitivity to certain new discoveries.

But most prior discoveries of mammoth bones have involved fragments washed down during the prehistoric floods that repeatedly swept across the Columbia Basin at the end of the Ice Age.

Scientists say these 15 unmanned flights can make important and exciting discoveries.

Although Genius of Britain follows a chronology, it focuses on the scientists involved as much as their discoveries, as the presenters each champion their personal heroes.

We excavate to find both literal and cultural treasures, digging mines and unearthing archaeological discoveries.

Scientific discoveries are only occasionally eureka moments.

Norwegian fossil hunters recovered the rear half of the formidable reptile's skull in south-west Spitsbergen in what has been described as one of the most significant Jurassic discoveries ever made.

But humanity's greatest advances are not in its discoveries - but in how those discoveries are applied to reduce inequity.

In science and engineering, some of the greatest discoveries seem so simple that you say to yourself, I could have thought of that.

According to ci, these species are "some of the most biologically surprising, unique, or threatened discoveries" from their teams' surveys.

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