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欄目: 造句 / 發佈於: / 人氣:1.62W

A dynamic- statistics model for predicting atmospheric main pollutant consistence in Yinchuan city;

Introduced were the methods and numeric standards for judging the retest reliability, the homogeneity reliability and the rater consistence reliability.

The seemingly fragmentary and casual archetypes form a universal structural relevance, which determines the interior consistence of the theme of Moby-Dick, creates the distinctive aesthetic function.

The effect was largest on setback, larger on breakdown, peak viscosity and hot viscosity, smaller on cool viscosity, consistence and peak time third, and smaller on pasting temperature least.

"While the U.S. government used armed force, including tanks and helicopters to crack down on the "Dravidians", it is making irresponsible remarks and confounding black and white with respect to the banning of "Falun Gong"cult by the Chinese government in consistence with the law."

Aggregation and consistence of client-oriented and competitor-oriented;

Require translator familiar with professional financial industry, translation should be accurate, the article should be smooth and consistence.

This method is based on the mechanism of Verturi meters. The consistence could be deduced from Bernoulli equation of the liquid.

A test running proves that it realizes the objects consistence between different users and enhances the success rate of operations of users who have lower speed of access to the network.


His actions lack consistence.

It turn out that the logical nature of the controversy between is in-consistence in induction and deduction.

The advantages for the cotton fabric printing with semi-finished Rapidazol dyes are easy to process with a deep shade in consistence strength without ending.

In regard to the practice of legislation and jurisdiction, Suggestions are made on the defects of legislation in the course of the consistence with the international pacts and convention.

Test and research of the feed consistence of the QZK18375 type curved sieve

She was indeed united to England, but the cement had no time to acquire consistence. The irritation of ancient wrongs still subsisted.

Stools were very light in color and of mushy consistence.

Strengthening the control of these factors enables reducing defects and raising the consistence of products in pretreatment.

The problems of cultural bias and consistence of behavior in clinical assessment;

Chinese in the field of humanistic vision displays the synthesis of cultural substance as a subject, and the consistence of content and form of speech symbols, and the integrity of humanistic spirit.

Spot buyer will not able to secure consistence supply of coal and also cannot secure a fixed price from the mine.

soil consistence

The weak consistence and the asymptotic normality of the robust M-estimate of the unknown function are given, and the weak consistence of the robust M-estimate of the unknown parameter is established.

The fundamental approaches of simulation credibility research are through static and dynamic consistence test between simulation and practical test results.

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