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“because of”簡單造句,because of造句子

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Woe unto the world because of offences!

Some of that decline was because of business failures.

My laundry will not dry because of the humidity.

Fortunately, the plane's landing was delayed because of fog.

They were also sent because of petty crime, like stealing food, or because they had missed school.

Like the old song says, there's no place like home, not because of the real estate, but because of the sense of shelter and nurture that it provides.

The others have all been dropped, because of the statute of limitations or the immunity rule.

Advocates argue that such incentives would be more effective this time around not only because of design, but also because of timing.

Exchanges in America and Europe are at the forefront of change, partly because their capital markets are most developed but also because of regulatory shifts.

I am confident, first and foremost, because of you; because of the ingenuity of our entrepreneurs and business owners; the tenacity of our workers; and the determination of the American people.

That company has a fast turnover because of the poor working conditions.

We might not be the first to know, because we're not allowed to look at what they're doing with our service because of the privacy rules.

To think we could not reach the finishing line because of lack of financial resources is unacceptable.

The Monarch is one of those better known butterflies because of the mammoth journeys it can undertake.

The Eyptian goddess Isis seeks out the mangled body of her lover, Osiris, because of her powerful affection for him and because of her desire presumably to see him whole again.

Partly because of the old Blair-Brown rancour, and partly because of Mr Brown's own failings, his premiership has been blighted by repeated attempts within his own party to oust him.

In part, this is because of the robust mechanics of turboprops and in part because Air Tractor's fuel tanks have rubber membranes which close around bullet holes to slow leaks.

You are saying this is true because of the others, whether it's a rational reasoning not a causal reason.

because of造句

Especially because of the list.

His face is peeling because of sunburn.

I feel I must burst because of all that life offers me and because of the prospect of death.

He felt uncomfortable because of being criticized to his face.

Simply because people seeding it, simply because it embraced the earth, the sun shines only because of its rain moisten it.

Problems of urbanization are widely noted and studied, not only because of their absolute magnitude but also because of their visibility.

Too often internal interviews are done out of courtesy or because of protocol.

Because of high unemployment especially among the young, and because of Labour's misguided top-down prescriptions and stipulations on student Numbers, university applications are rising.

We stood together, and because of that fact the free world now stands.

If grains must be milled, the population will require an increased ration, because a portion must be given to the miller and because of loss during milling.

Arguably, Obama was not elected because of his policies but because of the ideals he was seen to represent - a cloudy yet inspiring notion of hope, a vague yet promising concept of change.

Studies of the hundreds of felony cases overturned because of DNA evidence have found that misidentifications accounted for between 75 percent and 85 percent of the wrongful convictions.

Investors are wary of lending to Banks for even a few months, because of the risk that they may go bust or run out of cash.

We buy them because of how ergonomically the bottle fits into the palm of our hand; because they're on sale, or the label is pretty, or we like the actress who endorses the products.

Indian mongoose is popularly used to fight and kill venomous snakes, because of their rapid reactions and thick coat.

Is it because of pain or pleasure?

Because of love, we won't be lonely any more; because of yearning, we taste more loneliness.

The children teased the boy because of his stammer.

Astronauts look weightless because they are in continuous freefall towards the Earth, staying aloft because of their horizontal motion.

The project was shelved [hung up] because of lack of capital.

This is of special concern because of the important role these animals play in the subsistence diets of Alaska Natives.

I watch it because of the content, and at the same time my brain acquires Spanish.

Creativity is a temporary salvation from the claws of death. I feel I must burst because of all that life offers me and because of the prospect of death.

Its luxury-shoe sector is declining, not because of the cheap Asian footwear that is wiping out many European mass-market producers but because of a loss of design flair.

She showed no fear in any of the situations and had to be prevented from touching the tarantula because of the high risk of being bitten.

How are lives being changed because of our services to support, feed, advocate for, teach, and clothe?

He cried again because of my sarcasm.

Do not lose heart because of these two smoldering stubs of firewood-because of the fierce anger of Rezin and Aram and of the son of Remaliah.

But actually he doesn't like to go there because other children often tease him because of his long hair.

All of these patients were hospitalized because of severe haematological disorders.

The doll trade halted due not to lack of infrastructure, but to lack of manpower because of military conscription.

The only problem was that Treader had to go back to his momma because of our living situations — and because he wasn't weaned.

Not because of nasty European tariffs, he notes-former colonies can send their wares to Europe tariff-free-but because of a lack of finance and expertise, and poor logistics.

For example, it is hard to say whether an ART baby has died because of the ART technology or because one of its parents had a mutation that mutually contributed to subpar fertility and infant death.

Pencil: I'm sorry, because you get hurt because of me.

And the reason it does is because of this overlapping.

The share prices of both have been slammed, possibly because of the expectation of dilution, but possibly because there is no appetite for new shares.

And consolidation of landholdings is hard, because of the thicket of family and legal disputes that invariably surrounds them.

But because of the presumed largesse of future taxpayers, governments seem under much less pressure to reduce their pension costs.

It's nothing much that many Chinese are eager to speak English. They do this merely because of their need of practice, instead of snob value.

Probably because of inertia.

Customers will purchase Internet terminals because the overall cost of ownership is favorable, not because of the cheap hardware.

Listening to music is an example of an intrinsically valuable activity: we listen to music because we value doing so and not because of a certain external goal.

"The Social Network" is a great film not because of its dazzling style or visual cleverness, but because it is splendidly well-made.

The waters of the Arctic are particularly perilous for drilling because of the extreme cold, long periods of darkness, dense fogs and hurricane-strength winds.

He was apparently chosen because of his qualifications, and not because of his celebrity.

But confusion has also arisen because of the unusual genesis of the crisis.

She said one reason as to why he chose Elisabeth, his fourth of seven children, was because of her resistance.

These are paintings sensitive to Venice's moody beauty, which is all the more overpowering because of its imperfections.

It may be harder to tell whether nearsightedness is getting worse because of the cataracts or because of the progression of pathological myopia.

Of course, we always split it into perpendicular directions because of the way that we analyze this.

"You know, some people leave because of the mice, some because of the cockroaches and others because of the people in the elevator," says o 'neill.

Traffic accidents have increased in the past few days because of fog.

Not only because of its beauty, but also because its used to hide the beauty of its haggard and gaunt.

As uncertain as I was at first, I still took deep pride in the tender shoots that confidently sprang up and thrived because of my care, because of my nurturing.

Prices have soared partly because of a severe drought in Russia, which was one of the world's biggest exporters of wheat in 2009.

Champagne doesn't fizz because of carbon dioxide? It fizzes because of dirt or dust.

But such predictions have been hard to quantify, the new study notes, because of limited data.

But for myself, I learn English not only because of its importance and its usefulness, but also because of my love for it.

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