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Your decisions must be translated into specific and specific actions.

Setting up your application to recognize the elements that are translated and the languages that they are translated into.

Menu items and dialogs, when they are translated, need to be considered holistically. It is important to make sure that translated interfaces remain coherent as a whole.

The problem of sequence planning can be translated into Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP).

Like Akio Morita (see article) and Ikujiro Nonaka (see article), Ohmae translated Japanese business culture and strategy into English.

"This information, the source code, must then be translated by means of a compiler into machine language, which the computer can understand and act on. "

How soon that potential is translated into silverware may depend on the old problem, finding a cutting edge to finish off the gloriously smooth build-up play.

Even a small increase in the proportion of calories derived from vegetable protein translated into a dip in blood pressure, according to findings publish in the Archives of Internal Medicine.

These days, the mood has been very low, and all the thoughts in my mind have been translated into affectionate words. As for people who understand or do not understand, that is their business. It has nothing to do with me.

A guide translated for the tourists.

"Man's Fate," translated into sixteen languages, is probably his masterpiece.

His writings, the accuracy of which relies heavily upon very flexible interpretations, have been translated and re-translated in dozens of different versions.

He quickly translated what the American had said to his boss.

One such weapon was the 'basket of fire' or, as directly translated from Chinese, the 'arrows like flying leopards'.

Web page translation, the most colorful figures in the translation box directly input url click translation, can be translated website page.

That is, we need to first customize UML to model an SOA solution architecture, and then we need to use a particular modeling style to produce models that can be translated to Web services.


This phrase can be translated from Arabic.

He quickly translated what the Russian had said to us.

He called us and the entire meeting was translated over the phone.

If there is no such encoding, the universal-character-name is translated to an implementation-defined encoding.

A security breach may result when the indication of the authenticity of the message's originator needs to be translated from one secure transport protocol to another.

The main features of the translation of Chinese works into west languages in the late Ming Dynasty and early Qing Dynasty are as follows: Chinese works centers on ancient books and records; the selection of translated versions is arbitrary; the translation method is mainly literal translation;

" The English-speaking young man translated.

Not were all of the three novels translated in Chinese, the longest oof which is translated now.

Millions of people have been drawn to my work, and it's been translated into more languages than I can track.

And although he has translated many western novels into Japanese - including the works of his favourite novelist, Raymond Carver - translating back the other way is too hard, he says.

Euripides, as translated by John Milton, 1644

Currently, there are many translated versions of ancient poetry, but they are not qualified enough.

The emotion, mood, style, metaphoric implication, and rhythmic beauty in the translated version should be similar or equal to the original.

He translated this article literally.

Computerised design output may be translated into sectional drawing and plans.

If I took your novel and made a play based upon it, or if I translated it or abridged it, none of those activities were regulated by the original Copyright Act.

All the other stories translated by Walter Morison.

When manual information-processing systems are translated into computerized systems, something is lost in the process. Although an automated order-entry system can handle millions more orders than a human clerk can, the human clerk has the ability to work the system in a way most automated systems ignore.

The ELIASA remote control is realized and the received data can be translated to the ORACLE Database.

We did love that the program gave both the original text (in orange italics) underneath the translated version. And of course, all the static text in the chat is translated, as well.

There were moments when I felt somewhat clearer in my mind and altogether I had translated a few short English and French poems and several German short stories around 4, 000 words each since I had been there.

The book translated by the American River production.

He translated the text word for word.

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