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欄目: 造句 / 發佈於: / 人氣:2.27W

This is definitely a trivial change, but why won't you test such trivial changes if they don't take much effort and have potential to fatten your bottomline?

Count your blessings; All of them - even the things that seem trivial.

But it is often a task that is overlooked — seen as trivial, something that occurs only in the background.

Even trivial things - like who looks after the TV remote, leaving wet towels on the floor and taking too long to get ready - rile us.

That's an unbelievable turnaround, especially for a paper with such incredible results, and the revisions must have been trivial to be able to be whipped around in a day.

Something trivial or foolish; nonsense.

It's useless to fire away with such trivial details.

It might mean something trivial, or it might mean something unfairly burdensome.

The problem is that heavyweight approaches say you should do all but the most trivial design tasks up front.

This is a trivial bug, and once it is fixed, the service and object path arguments could be removed, improving the readability of the code even more.

He was angry that European Union leaders have not stopped Slovenia from blocking Croatia's EU accession talks over a trivial border dispute-but nobody thinks that merited his departure.

Her husband never was impatient over such troublesome trivial matters.

This failure is easy to understand, but I'm not sure I really want to "fix" it — the method I'm not testing is trivial, and adding tests for trivial methods can be a waste of effort.

Documentation procedures for simple tasks, such as starting a server, can seem trivial at first but can be a source of confidence when testing a disaster scenario.


Don't pester me with your trivial matters.

This simple test is trivial to the point of stupidity, which is what I want.

(law) a trivial sum (usually $1.00) awarded as recognition that a legal injury was sustained (as for technical violations of a contract).

They always spar over trivial matters.

Checking the data quality is not a trivial job; it requires knowledge of both data modeling and the business domain.

They can give you the boot, but only if their terms are properly applied, the player is bound by them ("and that's not necessarily a non-trivial question", says Davis) and they are enforceable.

In this case, the calculation seems trivial, but it indicates you need to buy two and a half extra servers.

Maybe there's just as much value in the ability to marinate in the seemingly trivial.

Compared to code, a written spec is trivial to change.

It is relatively trivial to specialize a general topic if the content was originally authored as a specialized type.

There is nothing wrong with this, it is only when you lose control of your feelings and begin to rant and rave unnecessarily about something very trivial that it is seen as a problem.

Even so, this and one or two other trivial mistakes were presented by some as further proof that scientists cannot be trusted and that warming is a hoax.

Tags:trivial 造句
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