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When a drastic transition approaches, conditions fluctuate between greater extremes, and the fluctuations take longer to pass.

He found that the peaks and troughs in the volume of Google searches for certain products, such as cars and holidays, preceded fluctuations in sales of those products.

John Lott of the University of Maryland argues that short-term fluctuations in the crime rate are fairly idiosyncratic, and that trends should be observed over a longer period.

What orcas, humans and other creatures perceive as sound consists of small fluctuations in pressure.

Cyclic changes in hormones. Signs and symptoms of premenstrual syndrome change with hormonal fluctuations and disappear with pregnancy and menopause.

If your investment portfolio is well diversified and you check in on it once every few months to see if it needs to be rebalanced, there's no need to follow daily fluctuations.

Currently there are fluctuations in the running of department stores and their profits.

However, as the universe expanded, cooled, and went from a disorderly state to an orderly one, it reached a point where very small fluctuations created very large changes.

As such, disappointed and lonely, I can not shed tears, not fluctuations.

The fluctuations of protein and amino acide contents in the development process of involucre, ovary and cotyledon were studied between empty shell's chestnut and normal chestnut.

These temperature shifts are heavily influenced by entirely natural ocean cycle fluctuations that affect heat transfer patterns from the tropics.

Its migration through the liquid depends on slight irregularities, or statistical fluctuations.

It has been proposed as a storage option to support large-scale use of photovoltaics as a means to smooth out fluctuations in power generation.


Quantum fluctuations could make it ripple and roll like the surface of the ocean, Weiler says.

However, temperature fluctuations have caused glacier growth and depletion.

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