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The abject condition of those bondage saw him abjure all fealty to his society.

Inside that circle a wholesome, tacit emotional feudalism develops: you give me protection, I'll give you fealty.

Now the arrangement is clear: in return for basic fealty, suitable election results and political calm, appointed governors may do largely as they please.

vassal homage [fealty]

The service, homage, and fealty required of a vassal.

Though the Empire exerted control over Bakura, much of its government structure stayed intact, though it swore fealty to Palpatine.

His advocacy of fealty to parents, respect for ancestors and loyalty to the sovereign and the nation have made a great impact on fostering deep patriotism feelings on the part of the Chinese people;

He swore fealty to the king.

The ties of family seem stronger than the oaths of fealty.

When the seigneur swore fealty to gods on the feudal ceremony, the king had got a permanent affiliation with the seigneur except lineal consanguinity, which was supervised by gods every time.

And so the armies were fealty to him.

Nobles rule over the smallfolk within their territory through a system of fealty and sworn oaths that further divides their kingdoms.

In many countries politicians' fealty to open markets is already more rhetorical than real.


He swore fealty to his Lord.

Many historians have always analysed the phenomenon from different points of views. The majority think that the recruiting soldier system take the place of the compulsory serviceman system beause the system of land equalization is destroyed,generals and soldiers form benefits relation of no fealty;

He took an oath of fealty to the king.

They soon reached agreement on the major points: confession, fealty, pardon, a certain sum of gold and silver to be paid.

It's a totalitarian philosophy which assumes that all employees of the state must swear fealty to the state.

Tags:造句 fealty
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