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Secondly, it is a good sign that you feel dissatisfied and restricted by your vocabulary.

The pump sensation you feel in the forearms is largely the result of accumulated lactic acid and restricted blood flow.

While the local bank robber is restricted to the several branches in his region, his online counterpart can choose from the thousands of Banks with an online operation.

These ideas about rationality derive from a restricted and mistaken view of rational thought - one not in accord with the study of rationality in modern cognitive science.

The supply of money must be restricted: the old saw "money" does not grow on hedgerows" could be put differently ---"money shouldn't grow on hedgerows", because if it does, then it's of little worth, and no one will provide either goods or services in exchange for it.

Eyebrow maintenance is not restricted to women only.

Some scholarships are so specific, so restricted, so oddball, that few people ever qualify.

When lesions heal, scarring may cause restricted movement of limbs and other permanent disabilities in about a quarter of patients.

Now, in a surprise, researchers have found that this chemistry thought to be restricted to sea spray occurs at similar rates in air above Boulder, Colo., nearly 900 miles away from any ocean.


Blocking events are not restricted to Russia.

Better yet, owners felt that despite the restricted feeding, the cats did not turn vindictive.

The reduplication form AABB of bi-syllabic attributive adjectives is restricted not only by structural elements, but also by semantic ones.

Figure 13-3: One of the primary reasons that GUIs are easy to use is that they enforce a restricted interaction vocabulary that builds complex idioms from a very small set of primitives: pointing, clicking, and dragging.

Breaking the sound barrier generates a sonic boom, so supersonic travel is heavily restricted over land.

Those special vehicles will include buses, public electric cars, taxis and tourism vehicles. The official added that motorcycles and vehicles with provisional license plate Numbers will be restricted.

Sonic flights are restricted to military and research aircraft.

The problem is not restricted to things structured as dialog boxes; online help can be absolutely terrifying in its incoherence.

You are restricted to eight liters of duty-free wine.

A single shuttle loom has one shuttle box on each side. In this case the filling is restricted to one color or type of yarn. This is normally denoted as a conventional loom.

Several countries in the region have cut or restricted flights to and from Mexico and the EU could follow suit at the behest of France.

Fog restricted visibility.

Trees are more open and restricted in tree size to about 3/4 of the standard trees.

How many are tangentially sculpted because of the tools of creation (tangent-restricted solid modeling software)?

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