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欄目: 造句 / 發佈於: / 人氣:2.84W

Too many citation lapses and incorrect references.

Include internal and end references in conventional format.

She was often quite scurrilous in her references to me.

After processing the soft references, the set of weakly reachable objects is identified — objects for which no strong or soft references exist.

The purpose was to provide references for deepening the reform of technical teaching.


But this creates a problem — what if an object in the older generation references a younger object, which is not reachable through any other chain of references from a root?

Soft references are a way of saying to the garbage collector, "as long as memory isn't too tight, I'd like to keep this object around."

Having your own documentation plug-in provides the benefit of working on a copy of the source code and the references generation process being separate from the development process.

This paper gives brief account of a new method for the loss assessments of earthquake disasters—— the aerial survey method which is rising in the world at present, and its fundamentals and key technical links for the references of the managers and technical personnel concerned.

These references are cross-indexed.

Converting code lists, such as product references.

He made oblique references to her lack of experience.

She told MTV News: "I brought Beyoncé a number or references and we picked some out together. Most were German modern dance references, believe it or not."

Will you need your connector to keep references to objects in your repository?

Copy the files gimppaintbrushtool (c and h) to gimpgradientbrushtool versions and rename internal references to the new tool name.

This paper reviewed the distribution, botany studies, pharmacognostic studies, pharmacological effect, clinical applications and preparation processes of Trollius on the basis of related references.

The citing and recording of references possess the function of academic appraising. It plays an important role in promoting academic exchange and reflecting the publishing value of academic paper.

Prepare your references.

Evaluate several references from the trainer.

Look for experience, qualifications and references you can verify.

The results of this study provide theoretical references for the design of seed dielectric separation equipment.

For most of us, vendor references to services "in the cloud" dredge up an irrational fear of some murky unknown.

Sensing that one's language skills aren't good enough, missing jokes, colloquial phrases, references to TV shows or pop songs or other cultural " insider" information;

A friend suggested U2 because there were so many items with that name, including the spy plane, the submarine, a battery, and the obvious references to " you, too" and " you two.

There are no normative references at present.

Highlight references is a simple but easy way to quickly understand a scoped piece of code and navigate to references.

Additionally, one Node may refer to another Node, in much the same way that an object references another object or a row in one database table references a row in another database table.

The luminol chemiluminescence reactions on noble metals and their applications in analytical chemistry are reviewed with 18 references .

Based on the exposition to the key step of the goal marketing and the analysis of some famous enterprise's cases on and market, the paper has offered some references with using value to propose for some enterprises that just entered or planned to enter the market.

Identify the objects, the unintentional references, the classes and objects holding those unintentional references, and the objects to which the unintentional references are pointing.

This study can provide some academic references for the treatment of wastewater containing hexavalent chromium.

SOX references "reviews" 65 times, and these reviews are best opportunities for management to gain insight into the ethical behavior of their employees.

Tell me about your references.

Offers lighting and audio engineering services. Provides introduction to equipment and past job references.

This paper is mainly about our reform and practice on the curricula design of Real Estate Appraisal and provides some references in order to enhance the teaching quality of this curricula.

The myths and traditions of India abound with references.

I began to sketch out the ground, the buildings and the bridge, keeping the drawing and lines as references.

Americans and Japanese made about an equal number of references to the focal fish, but the Japanese made more references to the background objects than Americans do.


Do you have any references?

If the Infrastructure master runs on a global catalog server it stops updating object information because it does not contain any references to objects that it does not hold.

These references are denoted in red.

Since the format of this publication allows only for a limited number of references, a separate list of key references with abstracts when available, is provided for each position paper.

As you would expect from the book's title, there are many references to what kind of man Gates is.

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