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I know that, after my departure, ravening wolves will enter in among you, not sparing the flock.

While his wife is selling the fish on bank, xu lies down in the cabin enjoying his luxurious leisure time sparing from the busy work.

On January 13th Mr Chavez backed away from an unpopular but necessary plan, announced a day earlier, to impose national four-hour power cuts every other day—sparing Caracas from the measure.

The relay place is stacked with lumber, sparing no room .

The state media recorded the calamity in dutiful but sparing dispatches.

As for the green technology that Japan can share, both sides say it is a good thing but are infuriatingly sparing with the details.

I sat there for a long time quietly thanking God for sparing my life before pulling out on the road and heading home. This time both my brain and foot worked perfectly.

Inthis article, we review trapezium sparing options for treatment of thumb carpometacarpal joint arthritis.

He believed in sparing the rod and spoiling the child, but his son left home alone and never came back.

General Hadi Mbairish, chief of joint operations for Libya's security services, believes Colonel Qaddafi will fight to the death, not sparing the lives of thousands of Libyans if he has to.

He moves through Texas like a tornado — wreaking havoc wherever he goes, but occasionally whimsically sparing a person.

The director is really going to town on this production, renting costly dreeses and building lots of scenery, sparing no cost.

Secondly, I'd like to thank all media friends for sparing time to be present at Suning Exhibition Hall.


Thank you so much [very, very much] for sparing your valuable time.

This paper introduces several scheme s to implement the1553bus protocol based on BC/BBC configuration espe-cia lly on the three module redundance hot sparing hardware con-ditions. And also w e analyse some problems such as fault-toler-ant disposal,realtime perfor mance etc.

In his writing, Lu Xun was never sparing in his criticism of the reactionaries.

It also keeps politics out of the railway, since no party would dream of privatising SNCF—sparing France the agonies that Britain and Germany have faced over privatisation.

The Banks will face the risk of losing loan, so the Banks are unwilling to grant the loan, and reflecting the phenomenon of "sparing loan".

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