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We may experiment with an adoption process for abandoned plugins as a way to revitalize hidden gems in the directory.

It will revitalize perennial questions about the significance of life - what it is, why it is important, and what role humans should have in its future.


It's all part of a program to revitalize Detroit schools.

Meditation is the best way to release tension and revitalize your being.

The strategy further emphasizes the need to revitalize the primary health care approach, and calls for a minimum package of core interventions that can be made available to all.

How can WHO revitalize primary health care now and what is your involvement?

Would revitalize U.S. public diplomacy and work to recreate an independent agency with the sole purpose of getting America's message to the world.

Creative ways need to be found to reduce stress and revitalize tired workers.

We’ve also taken major steps to revitalize America’s waters.

The easy explanation: a collapse was inevitable given three straight grueling trips to the NBA Finals and extra time away from the game should help revitalize both body and mind.

With the theme of "Relaunching Growth", the forum will discuss effective measures to revitalize economy.

Because I haven't achieved my own rise from struggle to success, I rely on other peoples' stories to revitalize my hope.

I find it exceptionally courageous of WHO's Director-General [Dr Margaret Chan] to have started the discussion with Member States on how to revitalize primary health care.

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