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Someone you love dies, and your concern is about you, not them.

When he dies, if there is no money, a likelihood, I will bury him.

Because of this discord, Hindley is eventually sent to college but he returns, three years later, when Mr Earnshaw dies.

Till the last dog dies became the rallying cry for our troops in the last days of the New Hampshire campaign.

Holden Caulfield's brother also dies young, and the impetus for his drunken wandering in New York City may lie largely in his inability to deal with death much in the same way as Conrad.

A coward dies many deaths, a brave man but one.

Protagonist Jake Sully (actor Sam Worthington) is recruited to the program when his twin brother dies.

The new owners, familiar with his situation, froze his rent and agreed to let him live there until he dies.

Until now, the only definitive way to diagnose Alzheimer's has been to search for plaque with a brain autopsy after the patient dies.

On a visit 150 years ago Mark Twain wrote wryly of the three-millennia-old city: “She has looked upon the dry bones of a thousand empires, and will see the tombs of a thousand more before she dies.”

One African child dies every 30 seconds from malaria.

For example, the dog gets sick, your car radiator dies, time for back-to-school clothes, etc.

Another point that the "Pro-life" lobby try to get across is that they believe no one dies painfully now, because of hospices and modern drugs, so euthanasia is not needed.


One of the three dies an alcoholic.

If he dies without leaving an heir, his lands will revert to the state.

Eventually, instead of printing from these directly, he employed them to stamp out intermediate dies which were then used as moulds to mass produce letter blocks made of a lead alloy.

My poet's vanity dies in shame before thy sight.

And being a happy person does not prevent anguish and heartbreak when your dog dies, or you lose your job, or when you have problems with a partner.

Once this happens the coral is deprived of energy and dies.

One woman dies in childbirth each minute.

Poor Fritz falls hopelessly in love with 12-year-old Sophie von Kuhn, unremarkable in looks and certainly no match for him in brains, who dies a couple of years later from tuberculosis.

A Liverpool DJ dies soon after meeting the PM.

He did not argue when I pointed out that if anything happens at that speed-a dog in the road, a blown tire, a sneeze-he dies.

Their best hope is that the provision dies when the House bill is merged with one from the Senate.

Tags:dies 造句
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