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“square root”簡單造句,square root造句子

欄目: 造句 / 發佈於: / 人氣:2.67W

7、Is the square root ever going to be less than 0?

11、Measure a person's general ability; then measure their cleverness, then square both numbers and add them together, then take the square root.

15、Finally the 180 degree Angle will produce a side of length 2 arms, the square root of 4.

19、You may think that the uncertainty in there equals the square root 1 of 372 plus or minus 1 1 divided by 186 plus or minus 1.

23、WHEN Charlotte Hobbs decided to teach her 11-year-old pupil about the "imaginary" maths needed to work out the square root of a negative number, she knew it would be a stretch.

27、It doesn't help you find square roots.

3、The square root of 100 will always equal 10.

8、I can sort of understand that although the square root is hard to see.

13、I did a demonstration to show you that the time is proportional to the square root of h.

18、If I drop one from eight meters and I drop another one from two meters then the difference in time will be the square root of the ratio.

24、Without proof-- - you will see this if you ever take 803-- I will tell you that the speed of sound is the square root of Young's modulus divided by the density of the material.

1、Take the square root.

6、Consider the prototype for a simple square root function shown in Listing 1.

14、For example, for the number 16, the square root is 4, which inadvertently gets added to the list twice.

21、Using a binary search tree or dividing the string into segments as long as the square root of the length of the string will solve the problem.

28、This tells you how to find square roots.

9、The principal square root function is defined using the nonpositive real axis as a branch cut.

17、t1/t2 2 would be the square root of h1 divided by h2 That is the dimensional analysis argument h1/h2 that we have there.

26、and each city?s weight equals to the square root of its central strength value in the second situation. As a demonstration, the expanded theory was used in Henan province, and the scheme of the urban economic regions was putted forward.

10、The N square root C square root of A square B is ignored. The data listed in triangle geometry is not the point of every angle. When you ask for proof, the result is solution.

22、Using the same two initial arm lengths an Angle of 90 degrees between them produces a third side which is the square root of 2 times the arm length.

5、The first line defines a function called square that takes an argument and emits its square root.

25、Moment stability of linear stochastic systems with coloured noises is investigated, an algebraic criterion with matrix eignvalues without computation for square root of matrices is obtained, an example is given to illustrate the method of this paper.

16、It turns out that when you harvest the Numbers in pairs, you accidentally grab Numbers twice when you reach a whole-number square root.

12、Can you do the math: What is one hundred times four, divided by the square root of a hundred?

20、This example returns the length of the third side of a right triangle by applying the SQUARE function to two variables and then calculating the square root of their sum.

4、So you take the square root of the product.

square root造句

2、Otherwise, calculate the square root.

Tags:造句 square root
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