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This is normal, and the arbitrary function all can approach with dividing section multinomials because can know from infinitesimal calculus.

An infinitesimal amount, to look at the derivative. Once I do this, how many molecules are in this higher level now?


The body's annual intake of metallic iron is infinitesimal.

Because the chances of surviving a first category crash landing are so infinitesimal, they're practically nonexistent!

Now we know that fuzzy logic slam the door not precision but meaningless precision. It displaces infinitesimal fuzzy cost with immensity future, so the application of it is more and more extensive.

If there is any salt in this soup, it must be infinitesimal. I can't taste it.

The theoretical NSA values given by the standards are grounded on the assumption that transmit and receive antennas are infinitesimal dipole antennas which is inappropriate to measurements.

I'm a living example: in tiny, almost infinitesimal steps, I've changed a laundry list of habits.

You are infinitesimal in the crowd, great in the pigsty!

"Because the eye gazes But can catch no glimpse of it, It is called elusive. because the ear listens But cannot hear it, It is called the rarefied. because the hand feels for it But cannot find it. It is called the infinitesimal."

In the wired portion of its journey, a file of such infinitesimal size is inconsequential.

Chemises and nightgowns and petticoats of the finest linen trimmed with dainty embroidery and infinitesimal tucks. And the satin slippers Rhett bought her!

The uncertainty of these parameters will lead to the uncertainty of equivalent infinitesimal generator and also the performance function.

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