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Academically, they are refered to as" live fossil".

Yet despite more than a century of digging, the fossil record remains maddeningly sparse.

So you have more information in it than almost any fossil you could think of.

But the other trend is that the price of coal and other fossil fuels are going up.

Koichi finds a large stone which turns out to be a fossil of a baby "Kappa" sleeping underground for the past 300 years.

Other factors include changes in solar activity, the increased water vapour that can be held by warmer air and soot and other particles produced by fossil fuel and wood burning in Asia.

petroleum is a fossil fuel.

We have fossil fuel on Earth.

Common saying is the live fossil about national culture.

To say that travel is the luxury - and not necessity - of the fossil fuel generation is an over-simplification.

That makes the duo the oldest known fossil evidence of hitch-hiking behavior, or phoresy, in a large group of mites called the Astigmata.

As a result, about 40 billion tons of carbon dioxide are sent into the atmosphere every year, making fossil fuel consumption the biggest of all humankind's unwitting geoengineering experiments.


a shiny fossil called amber

Language is the living fossil of human evolution.

Finding a fossil in a coal mine is no big deal.

large marine arthropod of the American Atlantic coast having a domed horseshoe-shaped carapace and stiff pointed tail; a living fossil related to the wood louse.

Could it be that having all this free energy lying around in fossil fuels offered us a dangerous dose of cultural steroids, the evolutionary equivalent of human growth hormone?

Clearer fossil may provide a definitive answer.

An experienced fossil hunter, li split the slab and beheld a creature unlike any he had seen.

And perhaps most significant, birds were already found in the fossil record before the elaboration of the dinosaurs they supposedly descended from.

Can you date the fossil exactly?

Atmospheric brown clouds are made up mostly of soot - suspended carbon particles - produced by people burning biomass and fossil fuels.

That would involve putting a floor under the price of fossil fuels by imposing a price on carbon emissions and import duties on oil to keep the domestic price above, say, $70 per barrel.

Aflock’s worth of other feathered fossil species, some more avian andsome less, has also been found.

This is the fossil of Sinosauropteryx prima.

Study Xiangxi folk song is the main way to study the Xiangxi culture and Xiangxi culture is the real fossil for people to study the ancient chu culture.

You believe that instead of trying to replace fossil fuels with other energy sources, we should let the system slide.

Chinese theater culture is a sort of hybrid culture while western culture is a sort of pure culture. The evolution of theaters in Shanghai in late Qing Dynasty is just a living fossil of hybrid culture transforming into pure one.

It could alternatively be used to grow bioenergy crops, which would displace fossil fuels.

Finds his every feather the fossil of a murder.

Tags:fossil 造句
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