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Etanercept should be discontinued if a blood dyscrasia is evident.

"It is a pity," cried Fanny, "that the custom should have been discontinued."

When I asked if she could confirm the identity of the sender, she abruptly discontinued our correspondence.

Compare SpO2 levels whenever oxygen therapy is initiated or discontinued, before and during sleep, before and during activity, and after removal of secretions with suctioning.

According to a 2007 study in the American Journal of Psychiatry, women who discontinued mood stabilizers during pregnancy spent over 40 percent of their pregnancy in an "illness episode."

He discontinued a civil suit.

income(lOSs) from operations of discontinued segments

The game analysis of discontinued crime must have some hypotheses and preconditions.

The English colonists settled in America discontinued the tradition of Mothering Sunday because of lack of time.

The Corvair was discontinued in 1969, but meanwhile GM had hired private detectives to tail Nader in an attempt to dig up information that might discredit him.

In the few days after operation, many ascaris worms passed out with the stool. On Feb.2, chest x-ray showed only a patch in the right upper lung. Since then, his respiration gradually approached normal, oxygen inhalation was used intermittently and totally discontinued on Feb. 10.

Treatment should be discontinued for serious infection or sepsis.

Some users found the new OS cranky and unreliable only to discover XP was being discontinued by Microsoft (who then had to backtrack and continue support for an allegedly discontinued product).

The trick is to accept your gadget's obsolescence at the time you buy it, so you feel no sense of loss when it's discontinued next fall.


Our country has discontinued nuclear testing.

The act or an instance of discontinuing or the condition of being discontinued; cessation.

Rather than attributing this to the lavender scent, the subjects in reality had been tired for the previous two weeks, including one in which they discontinued medication.

gain(loss) from disposal of discontinued segments

Introduced by Sony in 1979, the portable cassette-tape player is finally being discontinued in the Japanese market.

4:The salesman threw me a curve when he told me it was a real bargain, but he didn't say that the camera was a discontinued model because of its inbuilt defect.

It may contain discontinued items upon the version of the catalogue. Please kindly confirm details at our counters.

Tiopronin was discontinued immediately, and her salivary glands swelling subsided gradually.

The doctor discontinued visiting the patient.

In the midst of his torments, and long before this, he had discontinued his work, and nothing is more dangerous than discontinued work; it is a habit which vanishes.

Ifpeak oil theorists are correct, we will have largely discontinued our use of fossil fuels and the carbon cycle may be able to handle slow releases of CO2 from storage.

Warfarin therapy should be discontinued when warfarin is suspected to be the cause of developing necrosis and heparin therapy may be considered for anticoagulation.

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