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We just peel the stickers off, cut them up, and throw them in your iced tea.

Combine chopped fruit with currants, peel, and citron; soak in orange juice overnight.

Note: When you refrigerate or freeze bananas, the peel will turn black, but the fruit will still be good.

The whole album has a streak of sly humor running through it, hinted at by the album cover photograph of Cohen in shades posing with a banana peel.

Usage: After facial cleaning, extend the mask and apply it onto face, gently pat the mask to perfectly attach it onto skin, peel off15-20 minutes later, and then remove surplus liquid from face with cosmetic cotton or napkin.


We used lavender, orange peel, lemon peel and lime peel, both separately and together in the flask.

I'll untie the line, then leaves peel, a smell.

Even oranges don't eat the whole peel, but keep the pith, that white stringy stuff; it's packed with flavonoids.

If you don't have essential oils on hand, peel an orange at your desk and crush the rind in your hand to release the scent of the orange.

If you believe what you read in the newspaper about us, we have one foot in the pail of bankruptcy and the other foot on a banana peel, and there's a high wind.

Would you peel me an orange?

Speaking of fiber, a lot of it's in the peel, whether it's potatoes, apples, or pears.

The clearance sites had influence not on the peak values of shear stress, peel stress and equivalent stress, but on the occurrence point of those items.

To answer the first two it is necessary to peel away layers accumulated over 510 years since a band of Portuguese explorers landed in what is now Bahia state.

First of all, a contestant should peel the vegetables.

Allow eggs to cool, then peel and slice in half lengthwise and season with salt and pepper.

New York is like many big, crowded cities in having plenty of art to bump into - or drop or toss in the trash or surrender to the cosmic banana peel.

After pushing back the cuticles, rub some lemon peel back and forth against the nail.

A wavy irregularity in the surface of a coating film created by the flow characteristics. Orange peel appears as an uneven or rough surface to the eye, but usually feels smooth to the touch.

Freshen up a room. Add some lemon peel to a pot of water and simmer it on your stove top.

He nibbled away the apple peel, then ate the flesh.

Please peel an apple for me.

A sliver of citrus peel twisted over or dropped into a beverage for flavoring.

Stir ingredients ina mixing glass with ice. Strain into a chilled martini glass. Twist orange peel over the drink, discard, and garnish with a maraschino cherry.

Each pack contains four sheets of peel-off vinyl stickers, enough to make eight faces, including mustaches, hair-clips, cheeks, bow-ties, sunglasses, freckles, smiles and more!

Tags:peel 造句
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