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As members of parliament erupt, banging their desks and screeching with rage, Manmohan singh sits stiff, silent and smiling.

We had no chickens but the noise of the neighbors' hens screeching and hooting and trespassing was enough for me to get the message.

He brought up the car with a screeching of brakes.

The dugout canoes drift silently along the waters, past mud-banks and screeching birds.

Sometimes late at night or early in the morning when I get up I can still hear the screeching tires on the nearby road.


The trumpets were hooting and screeching away so weirdly that they set one's teeth on edge.

When she turns, he's back to playing with the dials; she hears a radio preacher, screeching about Jesus.

The Mosquito, a device that emits a screeching sound at a pitch heard only by young people, is designed to so irritate youths that it deters them from loitering.

Mixing fast cutting and Bernard Herrmann's screeching music, Hitchcock created a brilliant illusion of gore, violence and nudity – while actually showing very little.

So when the building booms came to a screeching halt, employment crashed.

So the acquisition came to a screeching halt while we tried to sort this out.

His daughter lay next to him, breathing heavily, but no longer making that awful screeching noise.

Skipping breakfast or going several hours (more than five) between meals results in your metabolism screeching to a halt and blood sugar levels dropping to less-than-ideal levels.

The pianos have proved to be very popular, and the music, blending with the sounds of shouting passengers, screeching trains and rolling suitcases, can give French stations a peculiar soundscape.

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