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There may be a lesson in that for the republicans-and it is not too late to take it.

Former house speaker Newt Gingrich is popular among republicans, but he says he will wait until September to decide whether he will run.

He’s an old royalist-he fought against the republicans.

The text of his recent speech was circulated among leading republicans.

There is hope, though, for republicans in the fact that the most enthusiastic supporters of the monarchy are pensioners, and young people are less keen.


A photographer was wounded, allegedly by dissident republicans.

The same determined patriots and good republicans as yesterday and the day before, and tomorrow and the day after.

This depends on republicans' acceptance of the rule of law, unionists' agreement to share power with their erstwhile enemies, and the willingness of either to take the first big step.

No one claimed responsibility for the attack but republicans opposed to the peace process are being blamed.

Shots were fired; a photographer was wounded, allegedly by dissident republicans.

But then, royalists are far more sophisticated about images than republicans, and have been for centuries.

On slavery, republicans and their presidential candidate, Lincoln, were speaking hesitantly in 1860.

Senate Democrats will take up a proposal later this month to replace the sequestra with more agreed cuts and higher tax on millionaire, but with republicans supposed the plan is expected to fail.

Again, you have right wing republicans, for some reasons, look at China as an enemy and don't like the fact it is rising.

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