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“obey orders”簡單造句,obey orders造句子

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They asked the armed forces to respect their superiors and obey orders.

If Mr Bush continues to instruct Israel to rebuff Mr Assad's overtures, Mr Olmert will no doubt obey orders.

He urged Russian soldiers to disobey orders if asked to fire on civilian targets.

Dogs can be trained to obey orders.

The officer was drummed out of the force for refusing to obey orders.

A request can get better results than a command. Those who are good at ordering must obey orders and execute. Willing to cooperate to produce support power, forcing obedience to result in failure.

obey orders造句

Soldiers must obey orders.

It is natural for Mr. Rochester to obey orders in such a straightforward way.

He says if there was a nationwide crackdown, and he was asked to join, he would disobey orders.

Its function is to obey orders, not originate them.

We must obey orders.

It was an attempt to examine why people obey orders, and in it Weber described three types of leadership: the charismatic, the hereditary and the bureaucratic.

You may hold your opinion, but you have to obey orders.

Hsien Bing YingBecause I would not obey orders and did not sit at home according to the rules, but played outside the whole day, Mother gave me a hard task to do.

He cannot help it. He is bound to obey orders.

Disobedient soldiers;troops that do not obey orders

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