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Rock and roll was born, and Elvis Prisley was its most popular vocalist.

Chemistry between the vocalist and the music is the most important thing in music, at least for me.

Absorption is related to the ability to empathize with the vocalist and to experience vicariously the feelings expressed in a song.

The setup most frequently used in death metal is two electric guitars, a bass guitar, a vocalist and a drum kit almost universally using two bass drums or a double bass drum pedal.

I love alternative rock and bands with a female vocalist.

The band is breaking in a new backing vocalist, who sounds great.

Coldplay are a British rock band formed in 1996 by lead vocalist Chris Martin and lead guitarist Jonny Buckland at University College London.

fen is an excellent vocalist.

The screenplay was written by Pink Floyd vocalist and bassist Roger Waters.

And now, producers like the Chainsmokers are just as often the "face" of the song, as the lead vocalist would have been just a few years ago.


Mr. Smith is an excellent vocalist.

Among the 26 contenders, there are six Russian grandmothers and the 76-year-old British vocalist Engelbert Humperdinck.

A break came the following year,when popular Nashville balladeer Gary Burr asked Hill to become his regular backing vocalist at his Bluebird Cafe shows. One such performance was attended by Warner Bros.

Absorption in music enables a listener to identify with the vocalist and the message expressed by the lyrics.

Lin Junqing is an excellent doctor, voice experts and vocalist.

A performer of Wagner's music, especially a vocalist or conductor.

In appreciation of the enthusiastic applause,the vocalist sang an encore.

'Our mission is to bring back fish to the Japanese table,' Tsurizao Morita, the vocalist and 'captain' of the band says regularly.

Power metal is highly focused on the vocalist, with "clean" vocals being much more prevalent than the growling vocals often associated with death metal and black metal.

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