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Then she went to an old cobbler near the gates of the town.

So we all kept a fork in our aprons, and as we cruised through the kitchen, we'd stick our fork in the cobbler and take a bite.

I suffer the ornament of the Kafir, that of the persian, that of the Slovak farmer's wife, the ornaments of my cobbler, because they all have no other means of expressing their full potential.

But the cobbler had sharp eyes.

He's an old cobbler with a shop in the Marais, a historic area in Paris.

When I open the site in my browser and type apple in the address bar, I find a recipe for apple cobbler, as shown in Figure 2.


Now we shall see, 'said the cobbler.

When I was at one bakery restaurant, they used to make this really yummy peach cobbler in a big tray.

A cobbler passed his time in singing from morning till night; it was wonderful to see, wonderful to hear him; he was more contented making in shoes, than was any of the seven .

But what if I want to know more about the apple cobbler?

This cobbler is rather clumsy.

At a popular cafe in Sweetwater, Texas, a lunchtime crowd gathered for a home-style spread of chicken, brisket, beans, corn and cobbler.

His father, fearing notoriety, bribed a cobbler to marry the pregnant girl, but the affair became known.

Born in Germany where his father was a cobbler, Theodore (usually known as ted) Levitt (1925-2006) emigrated to the United States with his parents at the age of ten.

He gave the cobbler a gold coin and had the man show him Cassim's house.

Hence his nickname: “Mochi”, or “cobbler” in Hindi.

Tags:造句 cobbler
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