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They have been patronizing and condescending, and they haven't even heard people out.

The researchers believe that the encouragement decreased exercise ability because the participant might have interpreted the support as patronizing.

"Come nearer," said the magistrate, with a patronizing wave of the hand, "and tell me to what circumstance I owe the honor of this visit."


Where does she get off patronizing me like that?

Suddenly any answer that came to mind, valid or not, sounded patronizing.

And the editor and the author work together to make sure we're not patronizing, that we're clear and accessible, that we have humor where appropriate.

Nearly 40 percent of the survey's 38, 000-plus respondents said they were coping with the shaky economy by eating out less often, and by patronizing less expensive restaurants.

The time was not long when Martin ceased patronizing the Japanese restaurants.

His five tall brothers gave him good-by with admiring but slightly patronizing smiles, for Gerald was the baby and the little one of a brawny family.

Yeltsin was polite and friendly, but slightly patronizing.

Aside from patronizing your products over their lifetime, they may even refer others to you or to your site.

Rudely, the waiter spoke to me in a patronizing tone.

At first I was a little sceptical that a research method consisting of sitting with a group of farmers around a pile of rocks would produce anything useful-it sounded kind of patronizing to me.

Step by step instructions and exposition are paired with highlighted buttons and big bouncing arrows forcing you through an often patronizing flow.

His manner, if patronizing, was not unkind.

No one can write decently who is distrustful of the reader's intelligence, or whose attitude is patronizing.

But when I went to the airport, I sense That most of you, this is really a patronizing .

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