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Second, they need to convert those photons into electrons as efficiently as possible.

And if anyone attempts to intercept the photons, the properties get disturbed and an alarm is raised.

When an antiparticle meets its corresponding particle, both are annihilated and the corresponding energy released as photons of radiant energy.

And in fact, strictly speaking although this is zero order in terms of the chemical constituents, it's not zero order in the photons.

Even Apple CEO Steve Jobs pointed this out in his keynote address, saying, "megapixels are nice, but what these cameras are really about is capturing photons and low light photography."

Spontaneous photons initiate stimulated emission and the chain reaction begins.

The axion is so light that it doesn't decay into two photons in free space.

Instead, they rely on anoxygenic photosynthesis, which can function on the low-energy photons provided by infrared light.

"The study, which showed that single photons also obey the speed limit c, confirms Einstein's causality; that is, an effect cannot occur before its cause, " the university said.

A 2012 article in Nature said Mr. Pan was in his early 30s when, in 2001, he set up China's first laboratory for manipulating the quantum properties of photons.

Thanks to the gradient, the stream of emitted photons is the same as the stream of absorbed photons.

That means they should escape the star almost immediately, while photons of light will take about 3 hours.

That indicates that a lot of new stars are forming inside them, and "they are producing lots of ionizing photons, " he says.


These energy packets are called photons.

Each time the absorption of ten interstellar ultraviolet photons occurs, a fluorescence breakdown process occurs.

In addition, the decay from WIMP to super-WIMP should have produced photons or electrons as a by-product, and these particles can smash into light nuclei and break them apart.

Photovoltaic cells are usually most responsive to photons in the visible and ultraviolet parts of the spectrum, but they can also respond to high-frequency infrared photons.

In larger stars, pressure at the core is high enough to fuse heavier elements such as oxygen and carbon, creating more photons.

Such a quantum repeater USES groups of three photons for each bit of the message.

Researcher redefines the physics of photons.

A simple experiment that sends photons through three slits provides the best proof yet of an important axiom of quantum theory called Born's rule, say physicists in Canada and Austria.

How about if we shoot this many photons?

Already, physicists have been able to exchange information between light particles - or photons - or between atoms, so long as they were right next to each other.

When introduced to UV light, the GFP gobbles up photons, producing electrons that enter the circuit as electricity.

Tags:造句 photons
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