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Today, Jack says, she hopes the photos reveal a "spirit of fun and thoughtfulness."

The gift is of small value But the thoughtfulness Behind it is immense

If we want to make friends, let's put ourselves out to do things for other people - things that require time, energy, unselfishness and thoughtfulness.

Holding on to a story of having been wronged by someone keeps us stuck in a dark and lonely hole - and digging ourselves out takes thoughtfulness and self-reflection.


He treated them with generosity and thoughtfulness.

I am writing to show my appreciation of your thoughtfulness.

The more personalized and creative you can be, the more impressed your partner will be at your thoughtfulness.

As I recalled, it was Liu li's thoughtfulness in keeping her daughter's umbilical cord and deciduous tooth as well as her toughness and pride that moved me.

Respect, friendship, sincerity, tact, thoughtfulness and gratitude.

What a beautiful picture of Jacob's thoughtfulness for the cattle and the children!

Together with fine fabrics, careful design and perfect workmanship, DE VERLI develops his consistent meticulousness and thoughtfulness to the greatest extent.

I sat in the Internet bar, quietly finishing these, I feel relaxed. If three people's pain is destined for me to bear, I know that you will be heartache, so you will help me, right? It's your thoughtfulness and kindness to me that I can't bear to leave.

The ego is responsible for the higher cognitive functions such as intelligence, thoughtfulness and learning.

As I recall now, it was Liu li's detailed thoughtfulness in keeping her daughter's umbilical cord and deciduous tooth as well as Hu Ming's toughness and pride that moved me.

Your thoughtfulness has given me great joy, miu miu handbags.

Pull your hand consciously when you cross the road. I still can't bear to make you sad when quarrel, even if it's wrong with you. Often because of your little thoughtfulness and touching. Please, you must cherish it.

The host and her family treated me like their daughter; I was so touched by their thoughtfulness.

Other qualities are also concerned such as thoughtfulness, trust and patience.

With the research actuality and orientation analysis of the dust control field, the paper has brought forward efficient spray dust control, a new dust control thoughtfulness.

That would be like being against reflection and thoughtfulness.

A person's thoughtfulness is reflected in the time of sadness.

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