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You bet I am proud, but what really matters to me is that she grew up to be warm and kind, with an easygoing, unassuming demeanor.

Mr Blankfein, a postman's son from the Bronx, is considered more unassuming than Mr Paulson—indeed he was rejected on his first application to the bank. But no one doubts his abilities.


Warmth, openness, kindness, and unassuming friendliness are vanishing from everyday public contacts.

The shy and unassuming Allen was--per his custom--standing off to the side of the court, away from the center of the action.

Mr Papaconstantinou, an unassuming economist who worked for the OECD, a think-tank of rich countries, had two weeks to assemble a budget that aims to reduce the deficit by 3.3% of GDP next year.

She had an open face and pale skin, a medium build and an unassuming manner.

Pongamia, an unassuming medium-sized tree, is gaining prominence because its large brown seeds produce oil that can be used to run generators and farm equipment.

It's goal is to load and manage the Cayenne runtime, but otherwise to stay as unassuming as possible.

Advances in science and technology can launch from unassuming springboards.

An Australian designer has won this year's James Dyson Award with an invention that sounds more like magic than science - and the inventor owes his success to an unassuming little beetle.

He was a surprisingly unassuming man for such a titan among statesmen.

That means many of these unassuming mossy carpets were there when humans first made it to the continent a century ago-and likely well before.

Sometimes it's the most unassuming of books that offers the best advice, that can actively help you on your quest to get rich slowly.

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