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The young have such cheap, hard judgement.

There was cheap land to be exploited.

This photograph is taken with a cheap camera.

an alloy of copper and zinc that is used in cheap jewelry to imitate gold.

When mums discover a new fun, cheap and healthy thing to do with their babies, the news spreads like wildfire.

I beg you not to do this: you would be jeopardising your cheap lodgings and will make her doubly dislike you.

The words 'Made in China' usually conjure images of row upon row of low-wage workers manufacturing cheap toys or stitching inexpensive garments.

For centuries, Africa's slum dwellers have scored cheap buzzes by fermenting local crops like banana, pineapple and palm into home brews, some of which is so toxic it sends drinkers to the hospital.


Her shoes look cheap.

The spinner topdresser is cheap.


I want to buy a used car at a cheap price.

Customers will purchase Internet terminals because the overall cost of ownership is favorable, not because of the cheap hardware.

Our suggestion: Make your own sauces from canned crushed tomatoes or fresh tomatoes - particularly in the summer, when they are plentiful, tasty, and cheap.

'Also you're directed through their marketplace area where a staggering amount of purchases are impulse buys, things like lightbulbs or a cheap casserole that you weren't planning on getting.

M: Yes, unbelievably cheap.

These are cheap and gaudy clothes.

It is easy to extract, bulky and relatively cheap.

It was just cheap yellow food, I said, not terribly appetising.

"I bet old Benjy's feeling a bit cheap," said he, as they got out of their cab at the church door.

Several among the nineteen said privately to their husbands, "It is a good idea, we will keep still till their cheap thing is over, then WE will give one that will make it sick."

The car went very cheap.

They also could supply your need of cheap goods.

The candidates had no good ideas of their own, so they just took cheap shots at each other.

Its limitless supplies of cheap labour, its efficient production platforms and its absence of currency risk have made it an integral part[主要組成部分] of international capitalism.

I am going to buy something cheap.

But American officials realise they have a cheap and useful weapon.

Now, the team from Hull University is setting out to create a fail-safe detection mechanism for the placement of feeding tubes that is reliable and cheap to manufacture.

Eggplant was cheap so we had eggplant.

They always want you to buy something and then give you some cheap gift to make you feel good.

This is not cheap labor.

You know, it's quick and cheap to send and receive information through the email across the country or around the world.

As any savvy shopper knows, just because something is cheap doesn't mean it's a worthy purchase.

It's cheap and fine, popular Both at home and aBroad.

That's because cheap people can't understand why everyone else doesn't see things the way they do: fiendishly overpriced.

He wants a cheap one.

The West Bank offered aquifers and made a good security buffer; it and the Gaza Strip provided cheap Palestinian labour and housing land; and building new Jewish neighbourhoods around East Jerusalem was a way for Israel to consolidate its hold on the holy city.

Tags:cheap 造句
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