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Some beer and chocolate taste bitter.

But he also posed for beer ads.

The excursion was followed by beer tasting. The new brand of beer had a nice taste and long aftertaste.

They also make their own beer using a variety of ingredients including a honey beer and a raspberry one, with real raspberries.

Congress is also looking at boosting taxes on beer, wine and booze.

The figure is much lower than Europe where the average British drinker sinks 1100 pints of beer each year and Russians have 1350 pints of beer and 90 bottles of vodka.

Assuming that you are capable of holding on to the key, just press the giant red button and a resounding belch will issue forth from your Beer pager beer cozy/coaster.

He found a can of beer in the refrigerator behind some brownish lettuce and those hot dogs Evey never got around to cooking.

Based on these findings, some studies suggest moderate beer consumption may help fight osteoporosis, a disease of the skeletal system characterised by low bone mass and deterioration of bone tissue.

The government is to use about a third of the surplus to fund a series of minor tax cuts aimed largely at Hong Kong's low and middle-income earners, including a populist move to halve the duty of wine and beer.

Do you like ginger beer?

That beer made me quite sleepy.

Have a glass of beer to rinse your dinner down.

How these mergers impress Chinese beer industry is the point of this paper.

The figures show that the average male drinker in the US drank 1000 pints of beer or 222 bottles of wine throughout the year. But women drank just 42 pints of beer or 280 glasses of wine.

A Malaysian court ordered the review of a sentence of caning given to a woman caught drinking beer in 2007.

Campaign creators The Foundry claimed the idea was to convince Australian drinkers that the fruit-flavoured beer was "anything but sweet".

It was not until a year later when Mr Kobylinski went for a beer with medical entomologist Andrew Haddow from the University of Texas while on another trip to Senegal that they had a breakthrough.

Do you have beer?

The beer is brewing in these vats.

We ordered 3 cases of beer for the party.

The bar was offering beer for nix so I didn't spend a cent the whole evening.

Most dispensing systems rely on carbon dioxide gas pumped down into the keg to push beer up to a tap.

When he is not working the Norse artist enjoys all kinds of board games including the role playing variety, music, and, of course, the quaffing of copious amounts of beer!


Ginger beer effervesces frothily.

You look really buff and no more beer belly.

Fossil Fuels Brewing will start selling its beer in pubs and restaurants throughout California this fall.

I used to sit on its small balcony overlooking the street and read my book over Chop Suey and beer.

Equally gassy and difficult to drink was the "beer cocktail with creme DE peche and cranberry juice", and the Kasteel Cru Rose was a disappointing alternative to any middle-of-the-road Rose wine.

They sat supping their beer.

If I do have a beer, it's a fruit beer and if that is not available I'll have a pear cider (not Magner's!)

Alsace is a cultural hybrid with its Germanic dialect and French sense of fashion, its love of foie gras and fine wine, beer and sauerkraut.

I want draught beer, not bottled beer!

The bar tender tapped a new keg of beer.

I also asked the legislature to raise cigarette, beer, and liquor taxes and to allocate more than half of our projected new revenues to the schools.

Fill up his glass with beer, please.

She has even trained her bovine pet to soar over a beer-crate hurdle like a regular show jumper.

He drank a schooner of beer and became drunken.

But is it ever a good idea - from a spiritual or philosophical standpoint - to celebrate with beer and good cheer over the death of anyone, even a widely acknowledged monster?

There's nothing quite as refreshing as a nice cold beer, but now drinkers may have another reason to raise their glasses in cheer.

L? wenburg Brauerei and restaurant: Dark beer& wheat beer& gold beer.

You eat very cute, with children easy to satisfy the look, the difference is that you need to drink beer.

He plunked a dollar down at the bar and ordered a beer.

Tags:beer 造句
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