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"I learned endurance throughout my college life, which, by chance, is what a good mountaineer requires," said Chen.

Born the son of Sir James Stephen, a senior civil servant and then a professor of history, he developed from a shy boy into a man who could be formidable, and as a mountaineer, tough.

The mountaineer has many stories of expeditions.

New Zealand mountaineer and explorer who in1959 with a Sherpa guide, Tenzing Norgay, first attained the summit of Mount Everest.

Ken Noguchi, a Japanese mountaineer, estimates that he has collected nine tonnes of rubbish from the slopes of mount Everest during five clean-up expeditions.


The old mountaineer also wanted custody of the children.

When noon came, she put off her apron and sneaked away from the hospital while Mrs. Merriwether was busy writing a letter for a gangling, illiterate mountaineer.

More than half a century after Edmund Hillary first stood on the top of mount Everest, the ashes of the world-famous mountaineer are to be carried to the summit by a Nepalese Sherpa.

A foreigner like Mr Harrer—an Austrian mountaineer, fetching up in Lhasa with flowing beard and hair, speaking Tibetan like a peasant——was particularly suspect.

According to Chen, a mountaineer must avoid causing his or her family anxiety.

He told us some hair-raising stories about his exploits as a mountaineer.

And therefore almost every mountaineer has with him or her a device which converts mechanical energy into electricity.

Lab experiments have shown that the echidna is more intelligent that a cat and it has been seen using its spikes, feet and beaks to climb up crevices like a mountaineer edging up a rock chimney.

--'Well,' replied the traveller, who seemed used to this difference between the servility of a man of the cities and the pride of the mountaineer, 'if you refuse wages, you will, perhaps, accept a gift.'

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