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栏目: 练习题 / 发布于: / 人气:1.46W



—We all know that children suffer when their parents are divorced(离婚).


—I have found children from one-parent families are not good at making friends and they often have difficulties getting along with other children. 


—My research shows that these children are likely to be absent from school a lot, and have poor study habits. 


—They often do. However, what they need most is more care, more help from both parents and school teachers.__4__

—Exactly. All these unpleasant experiences would cost a shadow(*影),which in turn makes them feel more disappointed in life and society. __5__

—You know what they do. Some of them leave school or home to join gangs(团伙)in the street.

A. What about their school work?

B. They do a lot of housework.

C. Do they receive punishment from their parents?

D. Yes. It's sad for them to live in a broken family.

E. Then they know what to do for others.

F. And more love, since they are growing up in a family where there may be quarrels, fights and often hate.

G. So they would do something to show their dislike of the situation.

1. ________ 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. ________

5. ________





如图,四边形内接于,点在的延长线上,若,则 如图所示,比荷为e/m的电子从左侧垂直于界面、垂直于磁场*入宽度为d、磁感应强度为B的匀强磁场区域,要从右侧面... ________________________,但愿长醉不复醒。 (李白《将进酒》) 下列关于罗马法的发展及影响,表述错误的是( )A.《查士丁尼法典》的制定,标志着罗马成文法的诞生。B.万民法是... 3x2+5x-2>0; 下图为某大陆西岸一段河流在某季节的等潜水位线分布图,读图回答3~4题。3.此时下列叙述正确的是( )A.北印... 下列溶液中,跟100mL0.5mol/LNaCl溶液所含的Cl-物质的量浓度相同的是(   )   A.100... —ArethereanyEnglishstorybooksforusstudentsinthelibrary?...  有一种病叫做缺铁*贫血症,这里缺铁指的是缺A.铁单质                      B.铁元素 ... 下列关于金属物品的使用正确的是(   )A.铁制车棚定期喷涂油漆          B.铁桶中加入硫*铜溶液和... 2010年4月14日青海玉树发生了7.1级地震。请你结合下图及所学生物学知识,解答抗震救灾中对伤员的救援及处理... 下列各式正确的是   (   )A.   B.C.       D.  设NA为阿伏加德罗常数值,下列说法中错误的是( )A.14g乙烯和**混合气体中的*原子数一定大于2NAB.... 阅读下面的文本,完成后面问题。                     提笔忘字:科技进步导致文化衰退?   ... 有关下图及实验的描述正确的是A.用*图装置电解精炼铝B.用乙图装置制备C.*图装置可制得金属锰,用同样的装置可...