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Regardless of how you choose to implement the advanced JSSE customizations demonstrated here, none of them should be approached carelessly.

"Very well; and where is this house that I purchase?" asked the count carelessly, addressing himself half to Bertuccio, half to the notary.

The word “evil” is tossed around carelessly.

What sort of person carelessly loses objects equal to the GDP of a third world country?

Although the majority men all are not willing to deceive, but all the custom scatters one slightly to lie, or installs is hiding the partial facts carelessly.


Tom resumed his whitewashing, and answered carelessly.

Similarly, parents who carelessly allow their children access to dangerous medicines should be responsible, not the manufacturer of medicine bottles.

When it all crashed down around me, precipitated by a busybody and a vegan cookbook I'd carelessly left out on my desk, it was horrifying but it was also a relief.

Worst of all is to turn a secret crush into a bold public confession by carelessly making a mistake entering your crush.

Bill was often called down by his teacher for doing homework carelessly.

I often use these three terms carelessly, and I appreciated the reminder in the book.

"I wish I could gather knowledge as carelessly," Martin broke out half an hour later.

When used to analyze IT investments like any other corporate investment, this is a fine approach, but when used carelessly or superficially, metrics like Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) result.

Some of them were wearing khaki shorts and black singlets and berets; others wore no shirt at all and were carelessly swinging their guns from side to side.

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