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Grilled to perfection marinated with paprika and garlic chicken thigh.

If you can't find smoked paprika, a little cayenne pepper or chilli powder would be lovely.

Stir the chickpeas and sprinkle over the paprika. Bake for another few minutes until the chickpeas are golden and crisp on the outside.

HAVANA - Want some paprika-infused chorizo sausage?

Now cut Onions and carrot and let it fry. Then add some sausage, tomatoes and paprika.

I add about a teaspoon of each of the following: garlic powder, paprika, seasoning salt, and pepper.


Serve the muffins dusted with paprika powder.

Mix the potatoes with the parsley and a light dusting of smoked paprika.

Place the chicken into a small roasting pan, and sprinkle half of the paprika mixture inside the chicken. Rub the remaining mixture into the skin of the chicken, and then set aside.

I order black pepper sirloin without any paprika.

Goulash is seasoned with paprika.

Serve the eggs on top of the potatoes with a further dusting of paprika, if you like.

This is the chemical that gives chilies and hot spices such as paprika and cayenne heat.

A platter of deviled eggs, however, with their creamy yellow yolks dusted with paprika, would satisfy both my nostalgia and my appetite.

Stir the chickpeas and sprinkle over the paprika.

That's when it hit me to use smoked paprika.

Tags:paprika 造句
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