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“Lehman Brothers”簡單造句,Lehman Brothers造句子

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7、Lehman Brothers jolts the market back to grim reality.

11、Thus spoke the boss of Lehman Brothers on September 10th 2008.

15、“Somebody said that if it had been Lehman Sisters, instead of Lehman Brothers, there might not have been as much difficulty,” she pointed out this week.

19、Twelve months ago, the panic sown by the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers had pushed financial markets close to collapse.

23、After the collapse of Lehman Brothers in September 2008, financial markets continued to fall sharply throughout the winter as global output contracted and credit dried up.

27、2008年9月,曾經的明星投行雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)的倒閉幾乎將整個世界銀行體系拖下水。

31、But surprisingly, some of the key factors that led to Lehman Brothers'collapse have not changed.

35、他表示,2008年9月雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)倒閉後,*把大量資金投向了美國國債,目前,*可能真的已開始調整外匯儲備結構,減持這種資產類別。

3、Greece shouldn't turn into another Lehman Brothers.

8、At Lehman Brothers, he began working hundred-hour weeks.

13、STEVE HILTON remembers months of despair after the collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008.

18、你看,很顯然,頂級投行雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)即將倒閉。

24、A correction in Shanghai will not bring about a sustained bear market in global equities, according to Ian Scott, global equity strategist at Lehman Brothers.

29、The authors claim that this method would have produced a top ten in July 2007 including Citigroup, Merrill Lynch, Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, Bear Stearns and, yes, Lehman Brothers too.

34、2007年,雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)前首席執行官迪克·福爾德(DickFuld)認爲,儘管算術上信用在不斷增長,但從幾何學上來說,卻是在下降。

4、With Lehman Brothers, everyone lost their money.

10、The collapse of Lehman Brothers was an enormous shock to global business.

17、In 2007 Dick Fuld, the former head of Lehman Brothers, observed that whereas credit grows arithmetically, it shrinks geometrically.

25、Until recently, Banks like Lehman Brothers bought credits from renewable energy companies and used them to reduce their own tax liabilities - for the good that did.

32、雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)經濟學家扎克·潘德爾(Zach Pandl)表示:“銷售量的上升是重要的第一步,但我不會就此認爲住宅市場的問題都已得到解決。”

Lehman Brothers造句

2、Ask Lehman Brothers, or Greece.

12、Lehman Brothers, issuing at least a dozen subpoenas including one to the chief executive.

21、In September 2008 the collapse of Lehman Brothers prompted him to announce a blanket guarantee to creditors of Ireland's big lenders.

30、The crisis in Iceland's banks came after they were pushed over the edge by the collapse of Lehman Brothers in September and by the falling value of the Icelandic currency.

5、Turns out it wasn't Lehman Brothers but Parker Brothers that could smell the future.

16、Written by someone called "Minerva", it predicted the imminent collapse of Lehman Brothers, a now-defunct investment bank.

28、A host of measures, from the value of the stock market to the creation of credit, are now nearly back to their level before the collapse of Lehman Brothers in September last year.

6、Did the Lehman Brothers collapse harm financial markets?

22、The already pummelled shares of Lehman Brothers, led by the pugnacious Dick Fuld, lost more than half their value in two days.

1、Lehman Brothers is dead; long live Lehman Brothers.

26、在2008年雷曼兄弟控股倒閉(Lehman Brothers Holdings)之前,日本沒有趁豔陽高照時修補已經破漏的屋頂。

14、It has also underperformed bonds over the three years since Lehman Brothers went bust.

9、Another issue emerged from the collapse of Lehman Brothers.

20、The bankrupt of the Wall Street investment bank Lehman Brothers with 158 years history lead to market scare.

36、在雷曼兄弟公司(Lehman Brothers)於2008年9月破產後,標準普爾500(S&P 500)指數連續6個月出現下跌。 不過在上上週,標準普爾500指數終於恢復了元氣,比2009年3月時的最低值上升了85%。

33、2007年,雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)前首席執行官迪克·福爾德(Dick Fuld)認爲,儘管算術上信用在不斷增長,但從幾何學上來說,卻是在下降。

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