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A fully automated underwriting service, which chains validation, scoring, eligibility and pricing.

Mr Sharif needs friendly judges to overturn a ban on his eligibility to stand for election, and wants them restored.

Wade sat out his first season of college basketball at Marquette while getting academics and eligibility issues in order. This, obviously, is a different sort of issue.

Freddie Mac decided not to automatically change Triad's eligibility status from a Type I to a Type II Insurer, and Triad must send Freddie Mac a written remediation plan within 90 days.

Will travel overseas affect eligibility under the new requirements?

Anassociation may only grant a player eligibility to play on the followingconditions

The government rejected a probe into its eligibility, made no submissions to the investigation panel and refused entry to an EU team.

In addition to proper index or predicate containment with wildcards and namespaces, the second requirement for index eligibility is that data types of predicates and indexes need to match.

An excessive "public support test" that hampered eligibility will be scrapped.

The "supplemental poverty measure" (SPM) will not replace the official one, which is used to determine eligibility for government programmes.

Challenges in implementation abound, including setting the eligibility criteria in practice, resource constraints, elite capture at the local level, and unresponsiveness to changes in people's needs.

Should the Conservatives win the British election, they may change eligibility for welfare payments.

The eligibility criteria for inclusion in the review were met by 19 articles, only 2 of which met the criterion of high quality.


XML index eligibility requires your attention if namespaces are involved.

The dashboard also includes some KPIs, such as average elapsed time of benefits and eligibility transactions, total accepted requests, percentage of rejected request, and so on.

These two transactions provide client eligibility and claim status for providers who are members of the healthcare information system.

In transitioning to SOA, they built an enterprise-wide eligibility services.

"I think that my definition of eligibility will actually prove to be broader than if you litigate," Feinberg said.

An eligibility service, which performs scoring followed by eligibility.


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