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“break the deadlock”簡單造句,break the deadlock造句子

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European Ministers of agriculture failed to break the deadlock on the issue of agricultural subsidies.

Mr Hatoyama has explicitly presented his plan as a way to break the deadlock in international talks ahead of Copenhagen.

And life can be unified with objectivity and contentment, break the deadlock in the heart, improve the quality of life, and make the happiness of life a responsibility of life.

Or do something with someone else, like watch TV or go shopping with someone, and when he finds out that his status is threatened, he will come to you to break the deadlock.

Thierry Lacroix's penalty break the deadlock before the end of the game.

We can only make minor concessions, but it might break the deadlock.

We are aware that we can break the deadlock at any time, but this is not a good reason for dropping our concentration.

Everything you've tried has failed to break the deadlock.

In his view the situation demanded a supreme effort to break the deadlock.

In early August, however, rebels launched an offensive from the Nafusa mountains, intending to open a new, western front to break the deadlock.

break the deadlock造句

In principled negotiation, when you reach a deadlock, you search for objective criteria you can use to break the deadlock.

In the past, we have scored to break the deadlock but this year it hasn't happened and this is a problem because breaking the deadlock is decisive.

None of these initiatives have to date produced results. In mid-July I became convinced that it was necessary to make a major move to break the deadlock in the Paris talks.

Even now, U.S. politicians are very different about climate change, despite President Barack Obama's opportunity to break the deadlock.

The opposition leader appealed to the president this week to break the deadlock.

We can only make minor concessions, but it might break the deadlock, ie allow a compromise.

New proposals have been put forward to break the deadlock among rival factions.

The former deputy prime minister, who was involved in negotiating the original climate treaty in Kyoto, says he will present a "Prescott Plan" to break the deadlock between rich and poor countries.

The United States' top representative at the WTO meeting, Rob Portman, called on the European Union Wednesday to break the deadlock on agricultural subsidies in order to finalize a global trade pact.

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