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“compensate for”簡單造句,compensate for造句子

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If you don't complete the work, I will sue you (for damages), ie for money to compensate for my loss.

Where the custody of property is wrongly requested, the requester shall compensate for losses caused to the other party concerned by the custody of property.

To ensure that line endings in the generic fount match the eventual output,inter-character spacing is adjusted to compensate for the variations in set width between the generic fount and the ultimate output fount.

The company agreed to maintain high production to compensate for the loss of supply.

In view of education, it should compensate for these currents which are to give more help for the weak and teach people a proper concept of personal desire.

Forced to compensate for the heavy interference in this band, wireless LANs can support only 1Mto 2M bit/sec e data speeds can limit the types of business applications wireless LANs can support.

According to international practice, a country unilaterally tore up a contract must compensate for the loss.

In investigating and dealing with the matter, the patent administrative authorities are empowered to order the infringer to stop all acts of infringement and compensate for any losses.

Insurance companies are trying to compensate for losses by raising premiums.

"It seems that culture is not considered on the priority list. That is why we are seeking the help of international organizations to compensate for what we lack."

New carburetors manufactured for cars with these systems are specially calibrated to compensate for the additional air.

Any process that will compensate for such distortions of the initial pulse should improve reflection quality.

"Nutritional supplements, required by some people, do not compensate for an unhealthy diet. Sufficient water is always essential. Inadequate nutrient intake or absorption leads to malnutrition and disease. "

compensate for造句

No medical certificate would compensate for a declining sales graph.

Who will compensate for the losses?

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