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Our hearts and cannot entertain book, thought.

We must plan our life, wash our hearts, and sweep our hearts.

The momentum of art production is busy defining changing hearts.

Broken hearts galore, those who fall for false caption.

In the eyes of idlers, sweat is bitter, dirty, in the hearts of QinZhe, sweat is sweet, and in the hearts of QinZhe, sweat is sweet, and beautiful.

A quilt covered in hearts reminds me of all that is really important in life.

It pays to get inside your opponents' heads rather than their hearts.

Their self abandonment in their hearts has made it hard for them to get rid of corruption.

Our business philosophy is to gather hearts and strength and make everything better with our pioneering spirit and innovations.


He wins people's hearts.

Pleasant cold hearts hatred neither.

Wise man have their mouths in their hearts, fools have their hearts in their mouths.

I'll remember you in my heart of hearts.

Our young hearts are small. The heart becomes bigger when you grow up. Even greater grief can be left in the cold and forgotten. So be patient. Our hearts will grow bigger than our hearts one day.

Yes you, with the gentleness and caring Mouguang disperse the hearts of my sad and lonely.

People who have ferocious hearts cannot defeat others, only those who can endure insult will be the winners eventually.

When we chance to meet, hands reach out; hearts embrace, and once again confirm the same magic feeling.

All hearts beat as one.

Cause our hearts are locked forever.

Once you befriend someone to 2 hearts, their room is permanently unlocked, even if you go below 2 hearts again.

Never dare to indulge life, never easily for whom deep tenderness. Some people live in their hearts once they are in their hearts.

Keep our hearts humble so that we can love them as you do.

It is a friendship rooted in the hearts and minds of the people of the two countries.

Third: stable hearts, buy neighbors.

Hearts are not had as a gift but hearts are earned.

Love needs understanding and sympathy, but more importantly, understanding. Because the love that is understood is like two overlapping hearts, and the love that can be sympathized can only be two hearts, and the closer it is, the two hearts.

He has blinded their eyes and deadened their hearts, so they can neither see with their eyes, nor understand with their hearts, nor turn — and I would heal them.

People will experience little fear of us, and you will experience the love and joy deeply entrenched within your hearts towards each other and towards us.

Beauty in the hearts of lovers.

When we smile from the bottom of our hearts, at that moment, our hearts suddenly become graceful. The brilliant heart has inundated many years of grievances.

From then on, everyone is the same, not far away, neither too hot nor too cold, and can not walk into others' hearts, others can not walk into their hearts.

Peace is what our hearts long for.

Girl hearts "pyronaridine" about the past, the faint hearts of speculation into a reality, and a trace of sadness crossed my mind.

Are your hearts hardened?

Let us leave a little blank for our hearts, not letting our hearts waste all their efforts because of exhaustion.

You can touch their hearts.

Deep breathing, a breath of fresh wash our hearts! Hug with hearts full of fragrance, for fate to our seasonal scenery! At that time a quiet, fresh flowers, ethereal.

Unaware Qiuyun has swept the hearts and minds, dew-like coolness rolled in my heart.

The root of suffering is in our hearts. You will never experience the real peace, calmness, harmony and happiness unless you eradicate the root of suffering.

They must have had ears that hear and listening hearts.

May sincere feelings of mankind refresh our hearts.

Tags:造句 hearts
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