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  The youngest daughter in a family of 13 children, Rachel Hubka learned from her parents to work hard, and to judge people based on their advantages. It _41_ her well as she followed her own dreams.      She got married at 17, and then divorced. As a single mother, Hubka _42_ three children while working. In 1978, she joined a small school bus company and _43_ general manager within 18 months.     After 11 years in the industry, and having _44_ good fame, Hubka founded Rachel’s Bus Company of her own in *. Serving the Chicago Public School System and _45_ a rapidly expanding business, the _46_ now earns nearly $5 million every year —up from less than a million in its first year. It employs 25 full-time professionals and about 120 bus _47_ , 99 percent of whom are poor.      "I _48_ chose to locate my company in one of Chicago’s _49_ neighborhoods," says Hubka. "Using the _50_ labor of young people and adults in the area, I hoped to provide them with a(n) _51_ to success."     From the beginning, she _52_ many people considered unemployable, and rebuilt in all of them a strong work ethic, a sense of pride and a _53_ to succeed. Rachel’s Bus Company _54_ drivers training, and helps them develop skills. _55_ , Hubka guides employees into positions of increasing responsibility and in some cases, into starting their own businesses.      She also _56_ employees to achieve personal excellence, and shows _57_ for their development by offering an activity center featuring workouts, entertainment, relaxation and computer learning equipment. Meanwhile, Rachel’s Bus Company _58_ donates services for charitable activities.     Hubka is also _59_ in Stone Soup for the World, a book published in April, 1998 that is a collection of stories about "_60_ people, doing extraordinary things". Such is Rachel Hubka, a person who motivates others to succeed and devotes to making the world a better place.

41. A. served                  B. arrested                  C. attracted          D. trusted

42. A. assisted                B. raised               C. consulted        D. defended

43. A. got along with       B. looked up to           C. kept up with     D. moved up to

44. A. deserved              B. arranged                 C. established       D. announced

45. A. expecting              B. conducting              C. benefiting         D. closing

46. A. company              B. department              C. school              D. industry

47. A. supporters            B. waiters                    C. drivers             D. passengers

48. A. permanently          B. patiently                  C. peacefully D. purposefully

49. A. promising              B. ambitious                C. starving            D. grateful

50. A. ignored                 B. appreciated             C. honored           D. attacked

51. A. example                B. ladder                     C. attitude            D. target

52. A. transported           B. complained             C. employed         D. gathered

53. A. feeling                   B. chance                    C. purpose           D. desire

54. A. offers                    B. takes                       C. judges              D. forbids

55. A. Otherwise             B. Furthermore            C. Somehow        D. However

56. A. forces                   B. chooses                  C. causes             D. encourages

57. A. concern                B. interest                    C. demand           D. belief

58. A. hardly                   B. frequently         C. generally          D. rarely

59. A. translated              B. created                   C. reported          D. expressed

60. A. ordinary                B. wealthy                   C. loyal                D. famous





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