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        Tony Tomei was well-known in Los Alamos, N.M. for his heroic action when the forest fires swept  through last May. Tomei had41run away from his house, which was42. But soon after reaching a safe place, Tomei43that although he had saved most of his collection of accordions (a kind of musical instruments), his precious Italian Bugari Armando accordion was44in the house. He raced home to45it. “When I drove up, there was a lot of smoke,” he says, and at that moment he made46“I was going to47the fire. I was the only one left to48the neighbors’ house.” Tomei, 52, an engineer and accordion instructor, had no idea what a great danger he would

49. With a garden hose (軟管),he spent the50few hours putting out small spot fires.

Then the51picked up, and the fire began moving slowly from the valley 60 feet below toward his home. He attempted to put out the fire but without any52. The fire and smoke blew up beside him,53him to the ground, where he got hold of a tree. “I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t  see. I just stuck my face in the dirt.”54, the wind changed. Against a frightening background of  house burning up and down his street, Tomei fought through much of the55without any more  water and56a couple of tools he could get to keep small fires away from his neighbors’house.          At sunrise he got his first real look at what had left of the neighborhood. “I saw all those damaged  house and thought, oh, my God,”57he’d saved his home along with two others’. When his

neighbor Nancy Tenbrink58to the house that she’d thought was lost, she  59   threw her arms around Tomei. “My house was important, but his life was much more60,” she says. “I’m deeply thankful for what he did for us.”

41.A. happily              B. bravely            C. Safely            D. Nearly

42.A. in fire                 B. out of order      C. in danger       D. out of shape

43.A. thought              B. realized            C. Said               D. Wondered

44.A. still                    B. also                  C. Just                D. Yet

45.A. find                   B. hide                 C. Check             D. Get

46.A. a suggestion      B. the choice        C. a decision      D. the preparation

47.A. put up                B. keep from           C. take up        D. hold off

48.A. prevent               B. save                  C. Watch            D. Keep

49.A. face                    B. expect                C. Protect            D. Fight

50.A. rest                    B. last                     C. Hard                  D. Next

51.A. water                 B. fire                     C. Smoke                D. Wind

52.A. tools                  B. success                   C. Meaning           D. Help

53.A. taking                 B. leaving                  C. Knocking             D. Getting

54.A. Funnily                   B. Unluckily            C. Undoubtedly      D. Fortunately

55.A. night                     B. afternoon                  C. Midnight                D. Daybreak

56.A. normally                 B. Only                       C. Hardly                  D. Almost

57.A. For                                                   C. But                            D. If

58.A. removed                  B. Returned                 C. Referred              D. Reported

59.A. tearfully                       B. surprisingly                 C. Repeatedly   D. Thoughtfully

60.A. special               B. lovely                          C. Valuable                       D. Useful



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