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Try washing your old jeans with new ones to add some color to the faded jeans.

In his casual wear, Clinton favors jeans and khakis.

Young Iranians may grumble, wear jeans, drink pepsi and watch football.

Keep a basket handy to fold anything knit or stretchy-t-shirts, sweaters, jeans, sweats-straight from the dryer.

To make it exciting, buy a pair of jeans with a fringed hem or a simple leather belt.

Skinny jeans, Christmas decorations, old wrapping paper, the fondue pot, that old sewing machine you think you can fix "when you have the time".

Depending on your line of work you may not need to wear full business attire, but even jeans and a T-shirt will make you feel ready to work more than wearing your pajamas.

Paul, a no-nonsense army officer, was saved from a gang of thugs in a parking lot by a man in jeans and a red shirt, who quietly walked him away while the thugs froze, and then faded into an alleyway.

I love the thick texture of jeans.

An excellent shoe to wear with khakis, jeans, or cargos!

Here it is pictured with the above jeans and black skirt and a pair of shorts.

But as she kicked, the animal swiped at her leg with its paw and ripped her jeans.

One person might understand casual to mean khakis and a sports jacket. Another might think it means a pair of jeans and tank tops…

As we sit and talk in his drab office on a sweltering summer afternoon, he's chain-smoking unfiltered Camels and wearing jeans, a gold stud earring, and black high-top Keds sneakers with no LACES.

What I wear: jeans.

Pairs perfectly with khakis or jeans.

Thus the men can be seen in shirts and jeans, the women may be variously outfitted in jeans, tops, shirts and dresses.

Designers often wear worn-out jeans and wrinkled t-shirts, and frankly, most of the time, I say embrace it.

Bozeman wiped his hands on the khaki apron he wore over his jeans and came out from behind the cash register.

When I am fairly happy with the shape of the body I export a medium subdivision level back to Maya as a reference on top of which I create rest of the base meshes for the shirt, jeans and gun holster.

Yes, I need a new pair of jeans.

Scruffy trousers, jeans, ostentatious jewelry and outrageous hair styles and colors are strictly banned.

Lounging around the seminar table, when Madeleine came into the room from the wintry weather outside, were eight people in black T-shirts and ripped black jeans.


I like baggy style jeans.

She was dressed casually in jeans and a sweatshirt .

Bieber first made a stop at a jeans store in the mall and then went to check out sunglasses, when he was followed by hundreds of female fans.

I only buy my jeans at Goodwill.

She wore a blue turtleneck jersey, blue jeans and brown work boots.

We SAHDs are simpler. A pair of jeans, a modest rotation of ironic t-shirts, a fifteen-minute trip to the barbershop every two months, and we're good to go.

A black mock turtleneck and a well-worn pair of jeans demonstrated his continuing disdain for corporate uniforms.

Tesco started selling jeans imported from America three years ago.

Complete the outfit with jeans and sneakers.

Functional casual, basically: jeans and khakis, an assortment of button-front shirts, some cotton sweaters.

Clenched in both hands were new jeans and a shirt belonging to my 16-year-old stepson, Brett. The clothing was already destroyed from burn holes and vomit stains after a drunken binge.

The girls scurried to go get changed. Julia opened the bag for her which was an outfit of a beige leather jacket and a pink top with designer jeans.

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