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In Arafat's eyes, Barak's unilateral withdrawal from Lebanon and his offer to withdraw from the Golan had weakened him.

He said any attempt by the Palestinians to bypass the talks with unilateral steps is "unrealistic" and would harm the peace process.

They cancelled the contract unilateral.

Conclusion the cause of the unilateral abduct nerve paralysis must be explore and it has diagnosis significance.

"But if the United States takes unilateral action without proper multilateral consultations and agreement that could spark big trade disputes, a trade war even," he said.


The unilateral total adrenalectomy was suggested.

Nuclear-winter doomsayers placed their hopes, variously, in an unverifiable nuclear-weapons “freeze, ” American unilateral disarmament, or assigning control of nuclear weapons to international bodies.

Sceptics will retort with the usual questions: why take any form of unilateral action when we are months away from what has been billed as a critical international climate conference?

The U. S. side's unilateral move to dramatize the issue in the process is inappropriate, and not conductive to its settlement.

The unpredictability starts with unilateral measures, where the US is currently making the pace.

Like all sovereign nations, he argued, America has the unilateral right to defend itself from attack, and to take unilateral military action to eliminate an imminent threat.

Militants have announced a 10-day unilateral cease-fire to pave the way for the peace agreement.

Serbia said a declaration would be 'a flagrant and unilateral act of secession of a part of the territory of the Republic of Serbia and... therefore null and void'.

Which is why it's worth taking note of at least one unexpected Middle east drive that has recently gained momentum: Palestine's push for unilateral recognition of statehood at the United Nations.

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