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You can conceive of this as a smart scaffold, "he said of the aerogel."

The research could explain why so many couples with no apparent reproductive problems are unable to conceive.

Albert Einstein was able to conceive his theory of relativity because he thought that time and space might not be immutable.

Sure, we needed to evolve a brain that could conceive of the idea of using seal intestines to make a waterproof parka, but Boyd says having a big brain is just the start.


I cannot conceive of him as a genius.

I cannot conceive that he would wish to harm us.

A child is owed a father, and any woman who is unable or unwilling to provide one is making a self indulgent, selfish choice to conceive a child.

More than 97% of the women had PBDEs in their blood, and those with high levels were half as likely to conceive in any given month as the women with low levels.

She was told she couldn't conceive.

So that suggests that the ancient Israelites didn't conceive of God As gendered or necessarily gendered.

Their sometime allies in al Qaeda do not require a piece of physical territory to conceive, plan, prepare, and conduct terrorist operations against Western interests.

But to conceive knowledge as reminiscence does not interfere with, or set aside as useless, the development of what is implicitly in man; which development is another word for mediation.

I can't conceive why you allowed your daughter to travel alone.

Face to the future, TCL IBBD will try to be the leader of the world by superexcellence technologies, advance management and “ manufacture the generation, develop the generation, and conceive the generation” developing strategy.

No one could conceive of his hard work.

He had room in his heart only for two idols--his wife and himself: he doted on both, and adored one, and I couldn't conceive how he would bear the loss.

Some performance fixes take only minutes to conceive or even implement; others require investments of days of research before they pay off.

When you are trying to conceive the window between the trying and the testing sometimes feels like an eternity.

The angel of the LORD appeared to her and said, "You are sterile and childless, but you are going to conceive and have a son.

It's hard to conceive of a more egregious betrayal.

We can't conceive of living without a telephone.

Tags:conceive 造句
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