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This organization knew and kept the controversial secrets

This is different than before, but it's not automatically worse. And because I know your secrets, you can't use my secrets as a weapon against me.

Suddenly, the secrets that had stunned Paul Haggis in a locked room were public knowledge.

You unraveled the secrets of namespaces, and you think you're on top of the X-rated acronym soup.

In a system that prizes remaining nameless, faceless and not rocking the boat, Shigeaki Koga chose to step forward and reveal some of Japan's ugliest secrets.

A child who sees her every utterance posted on your Facebook page or hears you sharing her secrets with your friends won't want to tell you much of anything.

Where the cost supervision and examination personnel neglect their duties, engage in mal-practices for personal gains, indulge in fraudulent activities, or disclose trade secrets of a producer or a business operator in their work, and thereby cause damage to the interest of the State or the producer

Hitachi doesn't always withhold its design secrets.

The magazine's disclosure of defense secrets caused great attention.

“Good class participation will lead you to the secrets of the final exam,” said Yang.

What goes on in a cocoon as a caterpillar changes into a butterfly remains one of nature's best kept secrets.

So we can't afford to bury all kinds of ravines and bury secrets. We always cherish the illusion of ourselves, and laugh at the fields we laugh at.

And I conceive, moreover, that the hearts holding such miserable secrets as you speak of will yield them up, at that last day, not with reluctance, but with a joy unutterable.

So what are the secrets of success?

"Do you suppose there are any secrets here?" he asked strangely.

This beauty is surrounded with many myths, secrets, and already known facts, and it has some mystic influence on people.

They stood in the noon of that strange and solemn splendour, as if it were the light that is to reveal all secrets, and the daybreak that shall unite all who belong to one another.


Of course there are legitimate secrets.

But really wise guys like me, we have the secrets and I can give you words, clues, secrets that if you know those things you can use these secrets to unlock the gates that lead back to God.

Once a hacker gains access to the password, he can wreak havoc, steal your identity, destroy your credit, ruin your relationships and expose your secrets.

The Freedom of Information Act wasn’t built to anticipate this situation and that’s evident from the way the Fed tried to shoehorn their argument into the trade-secrets exemption.

The traitor sold our important military secrets to the enemy.

When times were good, drugs firms refused to outsource manufacturing because doing so, they argued, would result in quality problems and risk giving away trade secrets.

She is cautious of telling secrets.

Confident people win because they are willing to take enough chances, not because they have secrets of seduction.

Even the sleepy streets of Anderson have their secrets, though.

If an emotional slut manages to hook you, consider yourself lucky if you merely devote time and attention to someone who hasn't earned it, or reveal a few embarrassing secrets.

If the government gives the green light to excavate the tomb, it should be interesting to see what secrets lie inside.

It's illegal to betray government secrets.

He will share with us, like close friends do, the best secrets in the construction of this hit film.

Like the disciplined militant he is, he will take his trove of secrets to the grave.

Tags:造句 secrets
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