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Under apartheid, whites were encouraged to believe they were part of the Western world.

The material deprivations suffered by blacks under apartheid were bad enough. But the psychological damage is much deeper and more difficult to eradicate.

In the days of the struggle (against apartheid) we were singing, all through our history it's our ability to sing that inspired and drove the emotions.

His talk about apartheid created agitation.

South Africa avoided two unsatisfactory ways of dealing with the crimes of the apartheid regime.

He was already a thorn under the hide of the apartheid regime, singing things that were forbidden.

In March the next year, with about 100 of his followers, he invaded Bophuthatswana, a nominally independent "homeland" created by the apartheid government as a dumping-ground for jobless blacks.

Johannesburg's residential areas and nightlife were set aside for whites during the apartheid years.

No sensible person thinks of the Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts as a form of gender apartheid.

"I remember when I went to high school, within the first three months, I was involved in my first march against apartheid because the school was so bad," says Rasool.

Educational apartheid is one of the craziest aspects of modern England.

The university has been regarded as a bastion for Afrikaners, descendants of Dutch settlers who are often most closely linked with white apartheid rule.

Their works have been banned, or they have been savagely attacked by the official spokesmen of apartheid.


He praised her role in the struggle against apartheid.

Foes of apartheid loathed the idea of a vote confined to one race, yet they still hailed the news that whites were willing to cede their monopoly on power.

We should try to find the most effective way to bring the policy of apartheid down.

White rule in Argentina, apartheid in South African and the murder of Native Americans are some examples of how the Western world brutally violates human right.

South Africa's President Jacob Zuma has delivered a eulogy at the funeral of the anti-apartheid activist, Albertina Sisulu, calling her a "national heroine".

Tags:apartheid 造句
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