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7、But this depends on education and policy "nudges", not cheap rice.

11、The cosmos nudges you toward career, business, ambition and prestige situations for the next few weeks (especially late this week).

15、They nudged each other every moment -- eloquent nudges and easily understood, for they simply meant -- "Oh, but ain't you glad NOW we're here!"

1、Michael nudges me with his elbow.

5、The increased challenge may be what nudges you into your zone.

10、The gendarme, who is a good fellow, nudges my elbow, and says to me in a low voice, 'Come, answer!

16、The short-lived chemical computer has no immediate practical applications, but it nudges the fledgling technology of DNA computing further out of world of science fiction and into the realm of the possible, the University of Wisconsin-Madison researchers said.

3、But the Holy Spirit never nudges us to murmur. He nudges us to grace and truth. And problem solving.

9、However, such gentle nudges will only go so far Sometimes, you need to be a bit more hands on.

17、While most of us rely on gut feelings to alert us to danger, spiritual intelligence usually nudges us, not away from, but toward some action that will lead to a greater good.

6、Accumulation of inactive osteocalcin instead nudges osteoclasts into action, causing them to gobble up bone.

14、They were greedy and sloppy, but the tree is unfazed. It promptly refills pawed-over flowers with a fresh supply of nectar and nudges other blooms to unfold.

8、He listens to them. He nudges them to pipe down and study.


2、Samuel nods and Capri nudges him to say something.

18、Famed fictional detective Sherlock Holmes and his gruff assistant Doctor Watson pitch their tent while on a camping expedition, but in the middle of the night Holmes nudges Watson awake and questions him.

4、My father nudges a couple of olives toward the edge of his plate.

13、I've been in a mixed marriage for a decade and a half now and gotten used to the stares and nudges.

12、The primary beneficiaries of tax incentives and other nudges aimed at abolishing food deserts are big grocery chains, not poor shoppers.

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