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Other people argue that file sharing should not be illegal.

His lawyers argue that extradition arrangements between Britain and the US are imbalanced.

You could argue that the user does not need that sort of hand guiding.

I would argue that the length of the femur must be proportional to the size of the animal.

They argue that altering the physical production of speech — the movements of the tongue, lips and mouth — makes the pronunciation of vowels and consonants sound foreign.

Instead of opposing redistribution because people expect to make it to the top of the economic ladder, the authors of the new paper argue that people don't like to be at the bottom.

This time he expands his remit to argue that it is not only possible to ascertain a fair value for stockmarkets but that central banks should try to do so and adjust their policies accordingly.

I argue that confinement is intrinsically impractical.

It is not always reliable to argue by analogy.

But this is only a partial explanation, as I argue in my book.

The giveaway is the strong tendency of conservative opponents of cap and trade to argue in bad faith.

MANY argue that IMF vote-shares (and the amounts countries are required to put into the fund's kitty) should reflect countries' relative economic heft.

Some of us believe we have a God-given dominion over the earth; others argue that we're bound to a larger Gaian system and are, at our best, caretakers.

Don't fight or argue. Otherwise, go home.

You could argue that rock opera is a subcategory of the concept album.

Those who object to it argue that students should not spend their precious time in this way.

One might argue that money is laughing gas for most of us in its ability to dissipate anxiety and send our spirits soaring.


Who can argue with that?

He think it senseless argue about this problem.

But America and the EU argue that by hindering their export, China is unfairly favouring domestic industries.

I cannot argue for the script, the direction, the acting or even the mummy, but I can say that I was not bored and sometimes I was unreasonably pleased.

Mainstream critics argue that the entire affair is a hoax.

While some argue that the Swiss National Bank (SNB) will have to step in, others believe it is powerless to dampen demand.

You can actively argue with your mind.

Although one might argue that many of the hundreds of hamburgers made by chefs in this burger-crazy nation are better, it is hard to argue that hers has less cachet.

But some argue that it does, in practice, coerce.

They argue that, without cuts in emissions far more drastic than those volunteered in the Copenhagen accord, there is only the slimmest chance that serious climate change will be averted.

But optimists argue that the scale of the bond-market moves and the dynamics behind them are totally different in the core and in the periphery.

We began to argue.

"The reasons for opposing this are not easy to argue," says John Fletcher, former ethicist for the NIH.

They argue that access should be made available because of the global benefits that would ensue.

Tags:argue 造句
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