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"Our lawyer suggested we publish all our promotional literature only in English," Hannah says.

A piece of writing, as on the jacket of a book, containing often exaggerated praise, used for promotional purposes.

In a survey of 100 college students, young people with narcissistic personality traits were shown to exhibit Facebook activity that was distinctly more self-promotional.

The tinsel of parties and promotional events.

Business scope: canvas, Nylon Backpack, DIY knapsack and promotional gift bags and so on.

(3) passing any non-patented technology off as patented technology in the advertisements or in any other promotional materials;

My boss, the paper's music editor, hated dealing with the massive crates of promotional CDs that arrived every few days, so she routinely asked me to sort them on her behalf.

Yet some of the firm's promotional material smacks of chauvinism.

SCREENER (SCR) a pre VHS tape, sent to rental stores, and various other places for promotional use.

But a cleverer response is to suspend it temporarily-introducing "promotional" prices on selected goods, for example-as a prelude to a bloodier price war should the treachery continue.

Hyped the new book by sending its author on a promotional tour.

Once different segments of a market have been identified, suppliers to that market can target their advertising and promotional efforts more accurately and more profitably.

Further to our quotation of April10, we have sent our technical information and sales promotional materials.


Bill: It includes promotional events, consumer coupons and free trials.

This is tiny in a time when megabytes are given away in memory sticks as promotional items but, over hours of continuous operation, even such small losses can cripple an application.

Let the industry know you won't be duped by its slick, expensive promotional efforts.

Once such links are established, a manufacturer, for example, no longer has to guess at a vendor's inventory or future promotional plans, hence forecasts — and sales — improve.

As a promotional technique, education is a soft way to get your name -and your product's name -in front of more people.

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