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Narrator: [epilogue] And so, all ended well for both Horton and Who's, and for all in the jungle, even kangaroos.

The epilogue will be discussed in the analysis of the factorial code, but it basically just takes down the stack frame and returns to the previous function.

Mr. McCarthy's half-page epilogue presents a man crossing the plain making holes in the ground, blindly followed by other men who search for meaning in this pattern of holes.


The novel's epilogue tempers the tragic destruction of the ship.

In the epilogue, it analyzes the superfluous man's historical sense and defects.

The epilogue summarized the rules restricting the sound change of Qiyang Dialect, and points out some original ideals and deficiencies of the dissertation.


Except introduction and epilogue, there are five parts and more than 3400 words in this paper.

The epilogue simply discusses abuses that might brought about by elopement, such as deceive experienced by women, women's encounter with villains and killing by them.

Words like this, probably she can't carefully say to the Tuo epilogue always.

The epilogue reviews the historical background and present situation in China mainland, and then points out the possible contribution of law and economics in China.

When reading he attaches great importance to the epilogue of books.

As Ms Snyder notes in her elegant epilogue, this was perhaps the last era in which it was possible to believe "that nature should be grasped by men and women who are artists as well as scientist."

When singing the song "I Love You, China." in a graceful voice, we should master the different singing skills on the part of the prologue, the main body and the epilogue of the song.

The dissertation includes preface, text and epilogue.

Armin Von Roon's epilogue gives a vivid picture of the F??rer in action, especially as he was falling apart.

Besides the introduction and the epilogue is divided into five parts: part I: Obstruction of witnessing overview.

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