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The pastes are formed by adding dispersant to the sample dropwise, while mixing it with a spatula.

I order my food, eat my meal and look towards the grill, where I can see my baba in his apron, spatula in hand, flipping burgers and smiling.

Scrape into the beans with a rubber spatula.

Run heatproof rubber spatula around frittata to loosen and slide out onto plate.

The rubber spatula, which can be bought almost anywhere, is indispensable for scraping sauces out of bowls and pans, for stirring, folding, creaming, and smearing.


They're very expressive in the way the paint is applied, brush, spatula, her fingers.

I still have a cherished photo of him in his apron, standing over the grill, spatula in hand, smiling.

Pour the mango puree into a bowl or container while you continue to use your processor/blender. Scape down the sides and bottom with a rubber spatula to remove as much of the puree as possible.

His gifts usually range from a simple tie for work to a new spatula for the grill-all of which can make dad very happy.

Remove from heat. Spread a thin layer on each eclair, using a spatula.

You're, you're this plastic suburban housewife with her pearls and her spatula.

After blowing out the candles, Susan leveled the surface of the cake with a plastic spatula.

Heat a wok or large skillet until hot. Add 4 ounces of the oil and stir-fry the pork, stirring with a spatula to break it into small pieces.

Taking care not to deflate the dough (or burn yourself), loosen it from the bowl sides with an oiled rubber spatula and gently invert it into the pot.

Tags:spatula 造句
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