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“quantity demand”簡單造句,quantity demand造句子

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7、The law of demand states that when the price of a commodity increases, the quantity demanded decreases.

11、It may not only be confusing, but also has some impact on the understanding of "shift of quantity demanded" and "shift of demand".

1、"Demand" and "quantity demanded" are two different concepts in Economi cs.

5、If buyers increase the quantity demanded at each price, the demand curve shifts right which is called an increase in demand.

10、Cross elasticity of demand measures the responsiveness of changes in the quantity demanded of one good to changes in the price of other goods.

quantity demand造句

2、The Demand Curve shows the relationship between quantity demanded and price, other things being equal.

8、Management center to encrypt card manufacturing company offers encryption card function and quantity demand, encryption card subscription agreement signed.

14、Similarly, when the price is below p*, the quantity supplied qsis less than the quantity demanded qd.

9、It isoften important to distinguish the demand curve itself – the entirerelationship between price and quantity demanded – from the quantitydemanded.

4、According to the law of demand, as the price of a good falls, the quantity demanded rises. Therefore, the demand curve slopes downward.

3、These tastes and incomes constrain how the quantity demand will react to changes in price.

6、Alternatively, if buyers decrease the quantity demanded at each price, the demand curve shifts left which is called a decrease in demand.

13、Also, there will be need to discuss the various factors determining prices in relation to change in quantity demanded and change in demand of personal computers.

12、The demand curve is a graph of this relationship with the price on the vertical axis and the quantity demanded on the horizontal axis.

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